这里我们先以Max Dcc Tools来解决,这里我去梳理一个初版的框架(这个是最初版的,后续功能添加了,框架没有添加),Max工具的构建是使用了Max的脚本语言(因为不同版本的Max 对于Python的支持是不一致的,我们没有过多的人力一直去维护工具)。 3D MAX 资产命名 单个或多个资产命名都成立的,命名逻辑 引用的贴图 材质...
Currently, most Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools (3DS Max, Maya, Blender) can export models in FBX and glTF formats. These formats, exported by these tools, can be well received in Cocos Creator 3.0. Exporting FBX Because the coordinate system of the DCC tool and the game engine...
Currently, mostDigital Content Creation (DCC)tools (3DS Max,Maya,Blender) can export models inFBXandglTFformats. These formats, exported by these tools, can be well received inCocos Creator 3.0. Exporting FBX Because the coordinate system of the DCC tool and the game engine's coordinate sy...
Hi,I have found this tools. I don't know how to use this tool. Maybe I should make some app in the IPNCRDK. Can you tell me which app should make?
How To Get DCC Tools Now,we are debugging TI8127. Please find the tool in IPNCRDK package. BR, Eason Hi,I have found this tools. I don't know how to use this tool. Maybe I should make some app in the IPNCRDK. Can you tell me which app should make?
DCCconcepts Heat Shrink, Tools & Special Materials As with all tasks we have to do in the hobby, wiring and DCC installation can be made easier, neater and more reliable with the use of a few special things. With the right stuff on hand, what was a chore can even become a pleas...
On the basis of these activities, the DCC has put forward a proposed social networking strategy that specifies the DCC's target communities, aims, outcomes and objectives, and recommended platforms and tools; it also suggests an intellectual property policy, operating processes and points for ...
A package for synchronizing meshes/models editing in DCC tools into Unity in real time. - unity3d-jp/MeshSync
infra/tools/luci/led/${platform} git_revision:037d7079cf3faced3842e597c9dfcc7475b2ddca infra/tools/luci/led/${platform} git_revision:811f963c20b777889aa015f74352126ab3dfe06b # LUCI config generator infra/tools/luci/lucicfg/${platform} git_revision:156ef58d675d5d8db58cce7012bf3cdf8cca1054...
線属性の変更ツールバーで次の線の属性を変更します。 レイヤー のプロパティ レイヤーのプロパティ(色(Color)、太さ(Thickness)と 種類(Style))を設定、レイヤーにエンティティを移動、新規エンティティのレイヤーを選択します。 線の色(Line Color) デフォルト設定を上書きするために、...