CPL(Cost Per Leads):( ) 查看完整题目与答案 混凝土中含的水泥浆体积越大,凝结收缩越大。 A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 出运装箱单的QUANTITY栏只用填写最大外包装单位数量及单位。 A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 电位滴定法测定耗油的总酸时,在加入甲醛之前,用氢氧化钠...
If you want to get both to maximize your cash back, it won't cost you any extra fees. There are also more cash back cards available if you're open to a Chase business credit card. Choosing a Chase travel card Chase has quite a few travel cards, incl...
cost per thousand 每一千个为单位的成本 Cps. coupons 息票 CR cash receipts 现金收入 CR current rate 当日汇率、现行汇率 Cr. Credit, creditor 贷记、贷方 CS convertible securities 可转换证券 CT cable transfer 电汇 CT corporate treasurer 公司财务主管 ctge cartage 货运费、搬运费、车费 CTT capital tra...
Packing cost包装成本 Packing credit打包放款 Packing charges装箱(包装)费 Packing expenses包装费用 Padding包装费用垫充(指虚增数额以表好现象之意) Paid check已付支票 Paid – in capital缴入资本 Paid – in surplus缴入盈馀 Paid – up capital已缴资本;实收股本 Paid – up cheque (cancelled check)付讫...
Linda Bergkamp Christensen Tel: +1 (480) 614-3004 E-mail: lbergkamp@christensenir.com SOHU.COM LIMITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) Revenues: Brand advertising Online games Others Total revenues Cost of revenues: Brand advertising...
"We are pleased to offer samples for quality inspection. The cost of samples varies depending on the product, and the buyer is responsible for shipping costs. Sample fees can be deducted from your order upon confirmation. Normally, the sam...
CPM(Cost PerThousandImpression)按展示付费 Corpor(Corporation Image)企业形象片 IGA (In-Game Advertising)网游植入广告 KPI (Key Performance Indicator/Key Performance Index)关键绩效指标 TA (Target Audience)目标受众 URL (Uniform Resource Locator)统一资源定位、网址 外贸行业: B2C(Business to Customer)企业与...
(i) Direct labour hours (ii) Machine hours (iii) As a percentage of the prime cost (iv) Per unit A. Methods (i) and (ii) only B. Methods (iii) and (iv) only C. Methods (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) D. Methods (i), (ii) or (iii) only 查看完整题目与答案 光纤...
000 per square meter to build on an all-in cost basis, and the trend is broadly consistent across metropolitan areas in the Gulf states. We calculate that NMC Royal Women’s, on the other hand, cost $7,700 per...
Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. But, unlike with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next. Within the complex social struc-ture of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as gatekee-...