我们用重尾的不对称GARCH来估计它们。 garch(distribution="std") #std是学生t分布 volatilityfit # 用一个矩阵来保存三种资产的波动率 for (i in 1:l) model = ugarchfit(spec,ret[,i]) 现在,一旦我们有了 ,我们就能够创建基于CCC和DCC的协方差矩阵。对于CCC(恒定条件相关),我们使用样本相关矩阵,而对于D...
Our research employs the DCC-GARCH Copula Model to examine time-varying spillovers and prove interlinkages between the development of AI and green cryptocurrencies in the period from January 1, 2018, to September 8, 2023. Comparing the optimum hedge ratios with the optimal portfolio weights, we ...
此外,由血管內皮細胞Copula的GJR - GARCH模型,不對稱- T的模型實證結果可知美國股債市具有雙尾相依之相關性結構,亦即有重大事件發生後,當市場呈現多頭或市場呈現空頭時,美國股債市一漲一跌的相關性較高,美國股市與公債期貨市場具有右尾相依之相關性結構,亦即有重大事件發生後,當市場呈現多頭時,美國股市與公債期貨...
To measure the time-varying tail dependence, the DCC copula GARCH model of Kim and Jung [27] is used in this study with the Student-t copula to estimate the conditional covariance matrix and lower- and upper-tail dependences. This model will enable us to capture the phenomenon of dependent...