1996 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India印度DCB: Share Premium在2018达13,508.007 INR mn,相较于2017的9,972.486 INR mn有所增长。印度 DCB: Share Premium数据按每年更新,1996至2018期间平均值为2,861.433 INR mn,共23份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达13,508.007 INR mn,而...
DCB Bank Fixed Deposit Rate A Fixed Deposit (FD) is one of the most popular financial instruments among the general population in India as it is a safe and reliable investment which provides a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. It is considered to be a low-risk form ...
1996 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India 印度DCB: Deposits在2018达240,068.628 INR mn,相较于2017的192,892.114 INR mn有所增长。印度 DCB: Deposits数据按每年更新,1996至2018期间平均值为44,741.800 INR mn,共23份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达240,068.628 INR mn,而历史最...
Max Life Insurance has partnered with DCB Bank to provide a variety of life insurance products to the latter’s customers. Term, savings, and retirement plans will be offered under this partnership. DCB Bank is a private sector bank. It has 427 branches across India. ...
Riksbank 利率 InterestRate 利率风险 InterestRateRisk 利率互换 InterestRateSwap 利率上下限期权 Collar 利率上限期权 Cap 利率下限期权 Floor 利率项圈期权 Collar 利润 Profit 利润率 ProfitMargin 利润再投资 PloughedBack 利息偿付倍数 InterestCover 利息再投资债券 MultiplierBond 例行结算 RegularWaySettlement 连带违约...
Bank (银行) Savings Account (储蓄账户) Checking Account (支票账户) ATM (Automated Teller Machine) (自动取款机) Loan (贷款) Interest (利息) Credit Card (信用卡) Debit Card (借记卡) Interest Rate (利率) Online Banking (...
如分包分供商对招标文件有疑义或对内容有疑问,要求澄清与解答的,应在招标文件发放后( )日内向招标单位提出,各层级授权单位招标采购部应组织澄清(或解答)分包分供商提出的问题;项目部认为本次招标分项必须组织招标答疑的,由项目部提出申请,由相应采购层级组织分包分供商进行答疑。原则上招标答疑时间安排在文件放...
structure on the UK's aggregate personal savings rate. The findings suggest that changes to the population's age structure have had detectable, sustained, but, relative to the yearly changes observed in the savings rate over the previous century, modest effects on aggregate personal sector savings...
Ant also helps many banks expand their own business and improve their efficiency through cooperative joint-lending agreements. These arrangements combine a bank’s low cost-of-capital advantage with Ant’s data- and algorithm-driven ...
House repairs, school fees and other have reduced his bank balance to almost nothing. [A] amount [B] payment [C] expenses [D] figures 73. It was really of you to remember my birthday. [A] grateful [B] thoughtful [C] considerable [D] generous 74. You can go to travel agency and ...