2024年DCASE挑战赛设置了10个任务,吸引了全球108支队伍参赛,共提交了328个作品,涵盖了许多知名院校及企业,包括卡内基梅隆大学、麻省理工学院、Tampere University、索尼研究院、Google AI、IBM Research等。 任务介绍 Task 1 数据高效低复杂度声学场景分类...
The Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events Challenge Task 4 aims to advance sound event detection (SED) systems in domestic environments by leveraging training data with different supervision uncertainty. Participants are challenged in exploring how to best use training data from diffe...
DCASE 2024挑战赛小样本动物声音事件检测任务中,需要在仅给定5条目标声音片段的条件下,从一段长音频中查找出所有目标发声的起始及结束时间。目标声音都是动物发出的声音,例如美洲麻雀、北美红雀等。该任务要求参赛队伍在指定数据集下完成系统构建,且不能使用多系统融合策略。 Task5小样本动物声音事件检测任务说明 此次的...
(2024) to use our updated version with panns, use this command instead: pip install git+https://github.com/DCASE2024-Task7-Sound-Scene-Synthesis/fadtk.git (original repo) Install official fadtkpip install fadtk To ensure that the environment is setup correctly and everything work as intended...