为了确定该转基因小鼠在体内实验中的有效性,研究者通过尾静脉注射了表达Cre和sgRNA的质粒,发现SPH确实可以在肝脏内高效地激活基因的表达。尤其是在激活了Wnt通路里的关键基因Dkk1,肝的代谢分区会被改变。为了进一步验证该激活平台是否可以用来研究神经系统的功能,研究者在中脑定点注射了靶向三个转录因子Ascl1, Neurog2以...
CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH-Tg 品系全名 C57BL/6Smoc-Tg(CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH)Smoc 目录号 NM-TG-00025 品系状态 活体 导出PDF 品系描述 Cre-dependent SunTag-p65-HSF1 (SPH) transgenic mice were generated with piggyBac transposon system in F1 zygotes and crossed with wild type C57BL/6 mice., SPH trans...
X.Y. and W.Y. generated the SPH transgenic mice. C.T. assisted with the immunofluorescence staining of brains and livers. P.H. designed and supervised the experiments of in vivo activation in SPH mice. H.Y. supervised the project and designed experiments. H.Z., P.H. and H.Y. wrote...
These experiments illustrate a powerful approach to create complex libraries of genetic variants in native context, which is broadly applicable to investigate and improve protein function.anHssaurFrésardKyuhoHanCamronHAmyKarnACmprchSphnMonomryMchaCasskNatureNature Methods...
CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH-Tg 品系全名 C57BL/6Smoc-Tg(CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH)Smoc 目录号 NM-TG-00025 品系状态 活体 加入购物车 导出PDF 品系描述 Cre-dependent SunTag-p65-HSF1 (SPH) transgenic mice were generated with piggyBac transposon system in F1 zygotes and crossed with wild type C57BL/6 mice...
CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH-Tg 品系全名 C57BL/6Smoc-Tg(CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH)Smoc 目录号 NM-TG-00025 品系状态 活体 加入购物车 导出PDF 品系描述 Cre-dependent SunTag-p65-HSF1 (SPH) transgenic mice were generated with piggyBac transposon system in F1 zygotes and crossed with wild type C57BL/6 mice....