LD03-20BxxWG Series 2019.03.14-A/1Page 1of 3 3W,AC/DC converter RoHS FEATURES ●Wide input voltage range:85-264VAC/120-373VDC ●Operating ambient temperature range:-25℃-+70℃●Low standby power consumption:0.2W ●high isolation voltage up to 4000VAC ●Output short circuit,over-current,...
LH25-20BxxMU系列20.5W AC-DC Converter说明书 25W, AC-DC converter FEATURES ● Universal Input : 85 - 264V AC, 100 - 370VDC, 50/60Hz ● Regulated output , Low ripple & noise ● Low no-load power consumption < 0.1W ● High efficiency up to 89% ● Output short circuit, over-...
DC-DC电源模块 330¥/片, 深圳市恒佳微电子有限公司 QQ: 电话:0755-82533156 82710336 联系人:朱经理、张小姐 地址:深圳市福田区华强北上步工业区501栋11楼1109-1110室 LD05-20B05 MONRSUN 19+ 6300 DIP 十年专营,供应原装正品!热卖现货! 深圳市创芯联盈电子有限公司 QQ: 电话:0755-88291559...
Share PDFThe attempt to integrate the components on to a single unit was revived by Yi Cuiet al. 5.Rechargeable: It can be recharged up to 300 times using almost allelectrolytes, including bio-salts such as sweat, urine and blood.ZBA MANGALORE...
LO65-20BxxMU(-C)series is one of Mornsun’s AC-DC miniaturize open frame power supply and suitable for all kinds of BF type (be accessible to patients)medical system equipment.It features universal AC input and at the same time accepts DC input voltage,cost-effective,high efficiency,high ...
IQG-20E-20B中文资料 IQG-20E Series I&Q NETWORKS Units to 1 GHz / Low Loss / Close Tolerance in Both Phase and Amplitude / Hi-Rel Hermetic Package F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r ma t i o n c o n t a c t MERRI M AC / 41 F a i r f i e l d P l...
作者: 杨萍 作者机构: 出版物刊名: 四川党的建设:城市版 页码: 60-61页 主题词: NULL 摘要:1898年,穆青出生在长江上游的合江县富宝山区的一个贫苦农民家庭.辛亥革命后,穆 青考入合江县中学. ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
UV-TiO2-Fenton光催化降解敌百虫农药废水的研究 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
高量讲稿5--角动量理论 (对电子而言)