在决定DC-8-71后,本机于2020年6月27日正式开工制作。并且专门为其设计了机徽,后来也成了 『关键联航』AIR题材民用飞机的机徽——AOZORA,原本打算基于本机的绰号“青空航线”直接叫“Airlines”,但总感觉怪怪的,比如本机飞航线的话岂不是叫“Airlines Airlines”,最终讨论否决,决定直接用青空的罗马音AOZORA。青空...
Scanned from a negative / Sorry for the obstruction, but there was no other way of catching it / Delivered to United on 4th June 1969 and converted to a DC8-71 in October 1982, then with Flagship Express from 14th June 1991 (at the time of this picture), then with Kalitta American ...
Aircraft Reg: N8091U full info | N8091U photos Aircraft: Douglas DC-8-71 Airline: United Airlines Serial #: 45995 Photo Location Los Angeles Int'l Airport - KLAX USA - California Photographer kjell nilsson Photos | Profile | Contact ...
DC-8-71 只看楼主收藏回复 一架可怜的妖妖 B777 8 2022最后一架新机∽GJ 美联航 超级70 N8177U 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-12-31 21:11回复 梦回北京南苑 TU154 11 馋了,super70都哪里收的 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-12-31 22:00 收起回复 鱼缸...
This plane is long overdue, its construction was started right after the DC-8-32 is published, and ended a week later, but I am glad I overdelayed the DC-8-71F project because it wouldn't have benefitted from revised funky trees, and improved construction methods, in fact, I am consi...
8回复贴,共1页 <返回客机模型吧DC-8-71F 只看楼主收藏回复 一架可怜的妖妖 B777 8 伯灵顿国际货运N828BXN829BX收的时候我甚至连航司名字都不知道,但是觉得好看就买了 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-01-12 21:46回复 小李飞刀Vi 小吧主 13 ...
Aircraft Reg: N8091U full info | N8091U photos Aircraft: Douglas DC-8-71(F) Airline: Emery Worldwide Serial #: 45995 Photo Location Los Angeles Int'l Airport - KLAX USA - California Photographer n94504 Photos | Profile | Contact ...