有时也会用zero wire load model,这时的clock period要相应减小15~25%,或者clock uncertainty增加15~25% set_wire_load_model两种模式top和enclosed到底有什么区别? 更加准确的计算wire delay的方法是DC topo和RC physical, 他们在综合时会粗略地做个place,然后根据距离来计算延迟 (6)clock gating Q6.1如何加cloc...
20、 wire load model wire load model是一种简单地根据fanout来估算wire delay的方法,在综合时,一般根据设计的大小选择对应的WLM 有时也会用zero wire load model,这时的clock period要相应减小1525%,或者clock uncertainty增加1525% 更加准确的计算wire delay的方法是DC topo和RC physical, 他们在综合时会粗略地做...
set auto_wire_load_selection true #set_wire_load_model "6K_3LM" => sets wire load model on current design to something other than the default one set in .lib file. Usually for larger designs, we set WLM manually, since the default WLM may be smaller designs, and so too optimistic. ...
(5) wire load model wire load model是一种简单地根据fanout来估算wire delay的方法,在综合时,一般根据设计的大小选择对应的WLM 有时也会用zero wire load model,这时的clock period要相应减小15~25%,或者clock uncertainty增加15~25% HYPERLINK /thread-316275-1-1.htmlset_wire_load_model 两种模式top和...
1.Createanewmodelbyusingthecreate_qtm_modelcommand. de_shellcreate_qtm_modelBB BBisthemodelname. 2.Specifythetechnologyinformation,suchasthenameofthetechnologylibrary,the umtransitiontime,theumcapacitance,andthewireloadinformation. de_shellset_qtm_technology-librarylibrary_name de_shellset_qtm_technology-...
Moreover, the proposed converter exhibits a continuous input current with zero pulsating at a very low duty cycle. In addition, D2 and D3 operate in zero voltage switching (ZVS), as shown in Fig. 3c, at minimum input voltage and at high load current. The proposed DC DC converter ...
目前,已经有多种DC-DC变换器拓扑被提出,双有源全桥(Dual Active Bridge, DAB)变换器是DC-DC变换器的热门研究拓扑之一,其集成了输入输出端电气隔离、高电压增益、较宽负载范围内实现全体开关器件零电压开通(Zero Voltage Switching, ZVS)等优点[5]。通过控制各个开关桥臂之间的移相,即可实现能量的双向流动。
40A Non-isolated SMT Point of Load POL Non isolated 28W to 150W DC-DC: 1 output SIFI Series 2-Line EMC Filters CPFE1000FI 720-1000W Conduction Cooled Power Supplies Chassis mount 720W to 1kW AC-DC: 1 output EZA2500-32048 2500W Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter ...
Quiescent current, also called ground current, is the current used to operate the converter, and is not delivered to the load. IQ is measured when the converter is enabled and the output/load current is zero (0). A small quiescent current is needed to maximize the converter output ...
Power input conditions (single-phase 3-wire):AC90-260V 50-60HZ two-phase (three-wire: zero, fire, ground). Number of channels:8-way universal socket relay controlled and 2-way universal socket output directly. Maximum single-channel power:5000W。