2013 《初号灯侠的盛怒》Wrath of the First Lantern /《三体之战》Trinity War 2013 - 2014 《蝙蝠侠:零年》Batman: Zero Year 2013 - 2014 《邪恶永恒》Forever Evil [4] 2013 《熄灯》 Lights Out 2014 《哥拓邦》Gothtopia/《超人:毁灭》Superman: Doomed/《暴动》Uprising/《神性》Godhead 2014 《新...
主要的剧情有:Who is Wonder Woman?, Love and Murder, The Circle, Expatriate, Ends of the Earth, Rise of the Olympian, Birds of Paradise, Warkiller, A Murder of Crows, Wrath of the Silver Serpent 主要的交叉剧情有:Amazons Attack!神奇女侠v4 神奇女侠v4又名新52神奇女侠。从2011年连载至2016年...
色欲(Lust),贞洁(Chastity) 暴食(Gluttony),节制(Temperance) 贪婪(Greed),慷慨(Charity) 懒惰(Sloth),勤勉(Diligence) 暴怒(Wrath),耐心(Patience) 嫉妒(Envy),宽容(Kindness) 傲慢(Pride),谦虚(Humility) 详见:电影《七宗罪》b站高赞评论 ***《地狱神探》#192中曾出现过睡魔宇宙中的【路西法】 “这不是我的...
●2013《初号灯侠的盛怒》(Wrath of the First Lantern)/《三体之战》(Trinity War)●2013-2014《邪恶永恒》(Forever Evil)●2014《末日未来》(Future End/GodHead)●2015《多元熔汇》(Convergence)/《罗宾战争》(Robin War)●2015-2016《达克赛德战争》(Darkseid war)☞【P52-重生系列(摩登时代)】2016-现在...
WrathZebra-Man[108]Zodiac Master Employees: Amadeus Arkham Founder Jeremiah Arkham Director Achilles Milo Director Aaron Cash Head of Security Hugo Strange Psychologist Charles Nigaff Psychologist Byron Merideth Psychologist Mister Bygone Psychologist Simon Ecks (Prime Earth) Psychologist ...
• 愤怒「Wrath」 • 懒惰「Sloth」 • 贪吃「Gluttony」 • 欲望「Lust」 巫师沙赞捕获了七宗罪后,把他们封印成雕像囚禁在永恒之岩「后面会讲到」,也就是Billy获得神力变身沙赞的地方。 ⚡Tips:七宗罪会不会出现在电影里,不介意剧透的小伙伴可以拉到推文的最后一部分。 黑亚当是沙赞,甚至也是超人的死对头...
Description DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos gives you an all-new adventure where the Justice League go head-to-head with Mr. Mxyzptlk, a powerful prankster from the 5th Dimension. Have the freedom to play your way in action-packed missions, gruelling fights and daring challenges! Suit ...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants R509,00R229,05 -55% LEGO® Brawls R339,00 Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway R839,00R83,90+ -90% TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK - Expedition R669,00 DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue R839,00+ Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx R839...
A second Wrath, Elliot Caldwell, later appeared in Batman Confidential, revealed to be the first Wrath's sidekick and a twisted version of Robin named Scorn the Anti-Robin. The Zebra-Man: Jacob Baker was a scientist who gained powers over magnetic fields. The accident that gave him his ...