Improving the Micro-Dimensions of Public Interest Litigation forPersonal Information Protection in ChinaV. CONCLUSIONThe judicial governance of personal information protection in the digital age has gradually become the focus of a...
which declares that the court rules are to be “construed to secure a just determination, simplicity in procedure, fairness in administration and the elimination of unjustifiable expense and delay.” The factors we have proposed should aid in d...
2. The International Tribunal for Rwanda shall have the primacy over the national courts of all States. At any stage of the procedure, the International Tribunal for Rwanda may formally request national courts to defer to its competence in accordance with the present Statute and the Rules of Pr...
This announcement, containing the full text of the 2022 Interim Report of the Company, complies with the relevant requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in relation to information to accompany preliminary announcements of interim ...
(14) Enabling connected application between mediation and trial procedures. It is necessary to set operational rules on automatically triggering the trial procedure or the enforcement procedure upon the failure to perform mediation a...
it is required to systematically design the scenarios of blockchain application in the judicial field in response to the needs of coordinating the court work with the improvement of social governance. In view of the needs of...
The place of performance shall be the Buyer's registered office. A different place of performance may be agreed for delivery.合同履行地点应当为买方的注册办公所在地。可以另行约定交付地点。 8. 特许经营(Franchising) - 指...
(14) Enabling connected application between mediation and trial procedures. It is necessary to set operational rules on automatically triggering the trial procedure or the enforcement procedure upon the failure to perform mediation a...
(14) Enabling connected application between mediation and trial procedures. It is necessary to set operational rules on automatically triggering the trial procedure or the enforcement procedure upon the failure to perform mediation a...
(14) Enabling connected application between mediation and trial procedures. It is necessary to set operational rules on automatically triggering the trial procedure or the enforcement procedure upon the failure to perform media...