Rule 4. Summons Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona (Refs & Annos) II. Commencing an Action; Service of Process, Pleadings, Motions and Orders...
Returning to the covert lab that created him, Damage vows to shut the superior-soldier program down. However, the recruit faces a two-front war, one that he might not be able to win: on one side, a newly upgraded Damage host sporting deadly new features; on the other side, the collect...
Civil Wars Clear Horizon, The Client List, The Climax! Climax!: "Deal a Blow" Climax!: "First and Last" Climax!: "Portrait in Celluloid" Closer, The Clueless Coach Code 3 Coffee, Tea, or Me? Coke Time Colbys, The Cold Case Colgate Comedy Hour, The Colonel March of Scotland Yard Col...
Commission on Civil Rights, on the subject of housing market discrimination, November 1985. Before the Santa Cruz, California City Council, on the subject of municipal franchising of cable television, November 1985. Before the U.S. District Court for Northern California, in Pacific West v. ...
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘District of Columbia 5 District Attorney Establishment Act of 2009’’. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (a) IN GENERAL.—Part F of title IV of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. 1–204.9...
Richard M. Nixon approved limited home rule for the District of Columbia, allowing for the popular election of a mayor and a city council to four-year terms. Under the resulting system, the council is empowered to set tax rates, formulate the budget, and organize or abolish any agency of ...
+Moore added that if he uncovers sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal or civil rights investigation into the death of Johnson he will ask the FBI to conduct it . +A representative from the Lowndes County Sheriff 's Office was not immediately available for comment when contacted ...
死板的,严格的 31 civil adj.有教养的,文明 的;公民的 32 bent adj.决意的,极想的 33 be bent on 一心想要,决心 要 34 theme n.主题,主旨 35 wealth n.财富 36 fancy adj.华而不实的,花 哨的;高档的,极好的 37 settle vt.使定居;安顿,安放;解决(问题等) 38 educated adj.受过教育的;有 教养...
Improving the Micro-Dimensions of Public Interest Litigation forPersonal Information Protection in ChinaV. CONCLUSIONThe judicial governance of personal information protection in the digital age has gradually become the focus of a...
(5)The delay caused by insisting on the witness' physical appearance in court versus the speed and convenience of allowing the transmission in some other manner (5)权衡坚持要求证人出庭所造成的延迟与允许以其他方式传输(证言)的速度和便利性