1. Lease Object Party A agrees to lease the house located at [Address of House] to Party B for residential purposes. 2. Term of Lease The term of this lease shall be from [Start Date] to [End Date]. 3. Rent Party B shall pay to Party A a monthly rent of [Amount] payable on ...
When drafting a lease agreement, its important to ensure that all parties involved understand their rights and obligations. Heres a comprehensive template for a lease agreement in English, which can be adapted to suit specific needs:LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement Agreement is made and entered ...
An office building pre-conversion to residential with a relatively empty street and "for lease" signs, compared to the same building post-conversion with a busy street, residents, and stores on the ground floor. Town Center Zoning New York is a city of neighborhoods, and each neighborhood is ...
4.2 The security deposit shall be returned to the Tenant upon the termination of this Lease, subject to any deductions for damages or other charges as provided in this Lease. 5. Use of Premises 5.1 The Tenant shall use the Premises for residential purposes only and shall not use the Premise...
The Tenant shall use the Premises for residential purposes only and shall not use the Premises for any illegal or unlawful activities 6、MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS The Tenant shall keep the Premises in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be responsible for all ordinary maintenance and repairs, ...
This deposit shall be used to cover any damages caused to the Property during the term of the lease. 6. Use of Property The Tenant shall use the Property solely for residential purposes and shall not engage in any activities that may damage or disturb the Property or its neighbors. 7. ...
住址: Residential Address(或译 Dwelling Place): 公民身份号码: Citizen ID number: (背面 Back side) 中华人民共和国居民身份证 Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of China 户口本西语翻译模板 . Notas La libreta de residencia tiene los efectos jurídicos de probar la condición de ciudada...
- Residential Address: [Residential Address] 2. Purpose of the Authorization I, [Full Name], hereby appoint and authorize [Authorized Person's Full Name], with the identity card/passport number [Authorized Person's Identity Card/Passport Number], to act on my behalf in the following matters:...
2、The security deposit will be refunded to the Tenant within___(number of days) after the end of the lease term, provided there is no damage to the property and all outstanding dues are settled 七、房屋使用及维护 1、The Tenant shall use the property for residential purposes only and...