Here is some kind of a Redhood cosplay from DC Batman universe. I choosed peaces that can be relevant for the character style. Hope you will enjoy. Equipment Replica Sky Pirate's Helm of Fending ⬤ Ruby Red glamours using this piece Anemos Jacket ⬤ Soot Black glamours using this ...
社区贴文搜索贴文公告板上的贴子 Cosplay chan DC -#Redhood@superheroesart 300 DELETED Lomey Andrey Дэдпул + Бэтмен = это... Braginets Alexander Андрей, этокрасныйколпак, аточнее - ДжейсонТодд. Semen...
“能不能给我一张签名,看在那么多炸弹的份上,请在我的罗宾镖上签一个Red Hood吧!” Alexa说完闭了嘴,怕打扰到红头罩拆炸弹,却发现他意外的熟练甚至时不时的和对讲机另一头的人骂来骂去,还腾出来了一只手给她签了名,在旁边画了个可爱的红色脑袋。
1. Actual photos of the character from its source (movies, comics, action figure, etc) 2. Cosplay pictures. You can see what has been done, what you like, what you don't like, how to improve on a design. You can also start getting an idea of different poses you think you'd like...
How to Make a DC: "Poison Ivy" Costume: For the 2020 Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), our friends wanted to go as a Batman themed cosplay group. We were trying to think of a few female characters and two of the ladies decided to go as Harley
Red Sonja 45th Anniversary Revenant Retribution War Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood Roy Rogers King of the Cowboys 2 The Rookies Promo Series Steve Rude: Nexus Sachs & Violens Santo Muerto Collector Series 1 Satan's Six Promo Set Norman Saunders The Savage Dragon (Comic Images) ...
dc jason todd cosplay 红头罩 red hood 蝙蝠侠 cos 新年厨礼局 batfamily 热度(398)评论(19)分享推荐喜欢 打开新页 带鱼……关注 2 准备了两个财神提。 这样子好抽一点~ dc batfamily dick grayson jason todd tim drake damian wayne 达米安韦恩 杰森陶德 迪克格雷森 提姆德雷克 热度(27)评论(...
Arrow (@Roadrnrcosplay) Harley Quinn Harley Quinn Red Hood Raven Poison Ivy & Red Hood Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad Movie) Supergirl (New 52) Wonder Woman (Batman v Superman) The Joker Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises) Steampunk Batman ...
Titans, the marquee series of the DC Universe streaming service, had its third season teased during DC FanDome -- and this time it's going straight to Gotham City, reportsGameSpot.Titans' third seasonwill see Jason Todd (Curran Walters) become Red Hood after leaving the Robin identity ...
*Sunflower:太阳花,葵花;Little Red Riding Hood:小红帽;Oi:(用以引起注意,尤指愤怒地)嘿,嗨。*不知道现在的时间有没有企鹅人。*天国降临中出现过此餐厅。*阿福死了,还没打赢复活战。*没有梳理具体时间线,也记不清了,所以私设发生在一天内(今天中午到晚上的十二个小时和凌晨到明天中午的十二个小时),原剧情...