2023-2025 Renewal Cycle DC CE Requirements: Salesperson - 15 hours total Mandatory 12 hours DC Fair Housing (3 hours) DC Ethics (3 hours) DC Legislative Update (3 hours) DC Property Management (3 hours) Various Electives 3 hours Broker - 15 hours total Mandatory 15 hours DC Fair Ho...
Vow Renewal Sites Handfasting Sites Chocolate & Candy Chocolate Fountains Chocolatiers Truffles Gourmet Confections Handmade Candy Dance Lessons Wedding Dance Instructors Dance Schools Choreographers Private Dance Lessons Decor & Lighting Up-Lighting, Pin Lighting, Color Wash Lighting Monogram GOBOs Wedding ...
Our historical tenant retention rate. Instead of moving elsewhere, our households stayed because we proactively managed the lease renewal process in advance. That means fewer vacancies and thousands of dollars saved for our owners in new leasing fees. ...
from being a slaveholding territory with small enclaves of freedmen to earning the “Chocolate City” moniker in the mid-20th century. Although the city has long boasted a thriving Black middle class, it is also no exception to historic attempts to suppress wealth-building, such as the ...
“an economic and social process whereby private capital (real estate firms, developers) and individual homeowners and renters reinvest in fiscally neglected neighborhoods through housing rehabilitation, loft conversions, and the construction of new housing stock. Unlike urban renewal, gentrification is a...
related solutions spanning the areas of infrastructure, real estate and connectivity. Headquartered in Singapore, Keppel operates in more than 20 countries worldwide, providing critical infrastructure and services for renewables, clean energy, decarbonisation, sustainable urban renewal and digital ...
18. Lease Renewal -续租 19. Property Valuation -房产估值 20. Landlord -房东 在物业管理专业英语中,常常会遇到以下场景和对话: 1.客户服务场景: Tenant: Hi, I'm having some issues with the plumbing in my apartment. Property Manager: I'm sorry to hear that. We will send a maintenance team ...
Real estate professionals in Michigan can satisfy their state-specific requirement for continuing education on fair housing law with this 1-hour course. Topics covered will include the Fair Housing Act, recent statutory amendments, the fair housing complaint process, and how to advertise in compliance...
Shenzhen Urban Renewal Real Estate Consulting Services Co., Ltd. (自动翻译更新) 注册地址 深圳市宝安区西乡街道桃源社区航城工业区深圳市智汇创新中心A栋212(邮编518100)附近企业 经营范围 一般经营项目是:城市更新策划咨询、旧城改造咨询;房地产信息咨询、房地产经纪;投资咨询(不含期货、证券、保险及其他金融...
Required Reserves: Under the Bond Trust agreements, the Authority is required to maintain certain reserve requirements for debt service, operating and marketing, capital renewal and replacement, marketing and hotel projects. The Authority maintained the above funds in various reserve accounts to meet ...