Opening an Estate in DC To open an estate proceeding in DC, a person petitions the Superior Court for the District of Columbia, Probate Division to be appointed aspersonal representative of the estate. Typically, a person files a petition for probate, listing the name and address of the petit...
Top Rated Law Firm in Washington DC practicing Estate Planning, Probate Law, Real Estate Law, Business Law & Litigation. Call 202-803-5676 for a consult.
Probate & Estate Administration Attorney MD VA DC. The loss of a loved one can be a difficult time. There are many things to consider and one of them is the manag
disputes (such asprobate disputes,contract disputes, and liability concerns). Generally, Washington DC property disputes are very fact specific, and these property disagreements can include various tenants of law. However there are also some common issues related to all types oflegal real estate ...
INTERPRETIVE GUIDANCE FOR THE REAL ESTATE:对于房地产的解释性指导 热度: Superior Court of the District of Columbia Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 Estate of Administration No. S.E. Deceased ...
I look forward to serving asthe Chair of the Probateand Estate PlanningCouncil during the upcom-ing year. I have been activein the Council for most ofmy professional life as avolunteer, member, and offi-cer. I have found the experi- ence to be rewarding for a number of rea- sons. Fi...