1⃣️open house 📍 1031 Ploenchit Rd 这家书店位于Central Embassy购物中心六层,自17年3月开业以来一直有着很高的人气。书店设计团队 Klein Dytham Architecture 来自日本,东京的地标建筑之一银座广场正是出自他们之手。 与大家比较熟悉的诚品书店及茑屋书店相似,你也可以于此收获超越购书本身的体验。店内空间通透...
If you are a citizen of another country traveling internationally, you should contact an embassy or consulate of the U.S. to determine what travel documentation is necessary. You may also log on to the U.S. State Department's Internet site by clicking here. We recommend that you make at ...
Download the free ParksPassport mobile app to plan your trip, earn badges, and even open Junior Ranger Booklets from your phone. Plan your own Kids to Parks Day outing with our big guide to21 Fun Family-Friendly Parks in Northern Virginiaor plan aShenandoah National Park Day Trip. ...
Yohannes' tour was extremely educational. He seems to know everything there is to know about every building, monument, statue and embassy in the District. His knowledge of American history amazed me. I didn't want the tour to end. I get the feeling I could take a tour with him again ...
Federal prosecutors said she boarded a plane to Norway using a passport she had stolen from a Minneapolis woman. Al-Meneesey, the imam at al-Farooq mosque, has written that Muslims should place Shariah above “man-made” law. NOT only that, if there are skeptics who refuse to pay heed ...
Lost Passport/Singapore Immigration Services Should you lose your passport, we suggest you make a police report, then head to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority to get a temporary visa. Finally, inform your respective embassy so that you can get through customs when you reach home. Tipping...
OPEN WALLS Gallery和Notre Gout Konzeptgalerie则是艺术爱好者的天堂,您可以在这里欣赏到各种独特的艺术作品。如果您喜欢逛跳蚤市场,上阿科纳跳蚤市场是您的不二选择。此外,您还可以前往City Shop和South Embassy购买当地特色商品和纪念品。最后,如果您想体验一场视觉盛宴,Van Gogh Alive是您不能...
embassy n. emergency n. emotion n. employ v. employee n. employer n. empty a. encourage v. end n. & v. endless a. enemy n. energetic a. energy n. engage v. engine n. engineer n. English n. & a. enjoy v. enjoyable a. enough n., a. & ad. enter v. enterprise n. ...
lookout points 观看景点embassy 大使馆 cottage 小屋 church 教堂 location 地理位置 brochure 小册子 waterfall 瀑布 view 风景,视线,观点garden 花园 country 国家,乡村 village 山村,村庄 car 汽车 vehicle 车辆 planner 计划,计划表museum 博物馆 station 车站 park 公园 ticket 票 boat 船 safety 安全 evening 夜...
hedevoted himself tostopping theunfairanti-black laws. Heset upthe BlackYouth Leagueand wasvoted to be the leader. However, though he keptpeacefulprinciples withoutviolenceandterror, hismeanenemies stillblew uphis house andattacked hisrelatives, and he himself could...