华盛顿DC必打卡:国家航空航天博物馆 如果你有机会来到华盛顿DC,一定不能错过国家航空航天博物馆(National Air and Space Museum)。这里收藏了人类飞行和太空探索的无数珍品,简直是一个飞行迷的天堂。 1903年的飞行器:人类飞行的起点 ✈️ 博物馆一进门,你就会看到1903年莱特兄弟的“飞行器”,这是世界上第一次受...
National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC Our modernization of this iconic museum will create a high-performance environment to showcase America’s achievements in aviation and spaceflight. One of the world’s most visited museums, the building welcomes several million visitors...
Funding to construct a new building was approved in 1971, and the National Air and Space Museum's new building was inaugurated with great fanfare on July 1, 1976. The collection that started in 1876 with a group of 20 kites has grown to nearly 60,000 objects now, and ...
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It has the largest collection of historic air and spacecraft in the world. The museum has 22 exhibition galleries. They display hundreds of artifacts including the original Wright 1903 Flyer, the “Spi...
staffandvolunteerscanansweranyquestionyouhaveduringyourvisit. Open10:00 am to 5:30 pm Phone:202-633-2214 E-mail:NASM-VisitorServices@si.edu(1)Accordingtothepassage,theNationalAirandSpaceMuseumisamuseum___.A.whereonlyadultscantakepartinsomeeducationalactivitiesB.everyonecanpayavisittowithoutbuyingtickets...
: National Air and Space Museum Exhibits include the only surviving piece of Sputnik and the plane that bombed Hiroshima. Address: 600 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC Directions: Southwest side of downtown. On the National Mall, west of the Capitol building and east of the Smithsonian ...
After completely shutting its doors last March, the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (NASM) is once again welcoming visitors this week.
The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution是全世界首屈一指的有关飞行的专题博物馆。 博物馆陈列了飞行史上具有重要意义的各类飞机、火箭、导弹、宇宙飞船、及著名飞行员、宇航员用过的器物。除体积过于庞大的采用模型外,展品绝大多数都是珍贵的原物或备用的实物,包括莱特兄弟的飞行者1号飞...
The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution是全世界首屈一指的有关飞行的专题博物馆。博物馆陈列了飞行史上具有重要意义的各类飞机、火箭、导弹、宇宙飞船、及著名飞行员、宇航员用过的器物。除体积过于庞大的采用模型外,展品绝大多数都是珍贵的原物或备用的实物,包括莱特兄弟的飞行者1号...
National Air and Space Museum 入場券は含まれません。さらに16件の立ち寄り先を表示 確認事項 予約時に確認メールをお送りします 車いす非対応 ベビーカー対応 ある程度の体力が必要です アップグレード: チェックアウト時に、ワシントン記念塔、航空宇宙博物館、またはアフリカ系...