Value-based care, in fact, was codified in 2010 by the passage of the United States Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The law mandated extensive reforms about the quality of care and the manner in which it was to be delivered to millions of Medicare and Medicaid patients....
病原微生物送检 病原微生物送检是感染控制的基础 抗菌药物临床应用管理办法 •第三章抗菌药物临床应用管理 –第十六条……三级医院抗菌药物品种不得超过50种;二级医院不得超过35种,同一通用名称药品的品种,注射剂型和口服剂型各不得超过2种,处方组成类同的复方制剂1-2种。具有相似或相同药学特征的药品不得重复...