但达米安还需要经历不少艰巨的战斗来证明自己是DC宇宙中最棒的战士——包括与近期回归的康纳·霍克。 DC Nation对Williamson与Melnikov进行了一次采访,谈了谈他们认为达米安·韦恩有什么特别之处、达米安在竞赛中会遇到何种敌人,以及他们的新角色Flatline——经过《罗宾》创作团队在社交媒体上的几次宣传后,她已经在粉丝间...
DC Comicshas just introduced a new character namedFlatline, who has some of the coolest powers in the DC Universe. InRobin#1, Damian Wayne finds himself in the League of Lazarus tournament, where he's quickly taken down by Flatline - his first opponent - who has the ability to learn from...
DC Comics is going to make sure to make Wonder Woman’s 80thanniversary as big as possible in comic book form as they will be releasing 11 different comic books starring Wonder Woman characters. 8 of these comics are specifically with Diana Prince. The biggest of which is the Wonder Woman ...
DC July 2022 Solicitations The DC July 2022 Solicitations are here! New Teen Titans springs into action with a first volume omnibus, Gotham City Sirens is…
Who is the mysterious Flatline? Why does Mother Soul take such a keen interest in the son of Batman? Did Robin just literally get his heart ripped out of his chest in the first 30 pages? This volume collects Robin #1-6 and a special prelude story from Batman #106 and Detective Comics ...
1 Lantern Corps 2 Superman (Clark Kent) 3 Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) 4 Batman Villains 5 Jess Chambers (Earth 11) Jonathan Samuel Kent (Booster Shot Future) Jonathan Samuel Kent (Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League: Superman) ...
文鼎DC清圆ttf 标签: ttf 最后更新: 2025-03-04 共 6个字体 简介: 文鼎DC清圆ttf Should've Known语言:英文 下载 Chunky Times语言:英文 下载 Mak_TimesIM Italic语言:英文 下载 Prefix语言:英文 下载 Riesling语言:英文 下载 flatline语言:英文 下载...
As this first instalment ends with Robin’s gruesome death at the hands of new enemy Flatline, there’s obviously more to the tournament than meets the eye. As it turns out, another champion invited to the tournament is Rose Wilson, otherwise known as Ravager, the daughter of super-...
灵活的规则类型:ElastAlert 提供了多种规则类型,例如 frequency(在给定时间范围内的事件数超过阈值)、spike(事件数突然增加或减少)、flatline(在给定时间范围内的事件数低于阈值)等。这些规则类型可以覆盖许多不同的用例,并可通过编写自定义规则类型进一步扩展。