低语者(Murmur)是美国DC漫画旗下超级反派(DC反派),初次登场于《闪电侠:铁山监狱》(Flash: Iron Heights)(2001年10月),由Geoff Johns和Ethan Van Sciver联合创作。全名迈克尔·克瑞斯坦·阿马尔(Michael Christian Amar),是无赖帮(Rogues)和超级恶人秘密会社(Secret Society of Super-Villains)的成员,...
Flash Villain(s)This character, team, or organization, has been primarily an enemy of any or all of the various incarnations of the Flash. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Flash Villains." Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless...
he's shown to other villains, Wally could find a peaceful resolution to Grodd's latest plan. Sure, there's no guarantee that such a thing would work. But if theFlashdoesn't at least try to reach out to his enemies, then his failures could cause the DC Universe to unnecessarily suffer...
villains lack the speed to track and catch The Flash, they must rely on their wit to lure him into a trap and as The Flash fights Dr. Alchemy in Iris West's family cabin in Kevin Shinick, Will Conrad, Sami Basri, Bernard Chang, and Inhyuk Lee'sThe Flash #765, he realizes that ...
其他团队:末日军团(Legion of Doom),自杀小队(Suicide Squad),超级恶人秘密会社(Secret Society of Super-Villains)敌人 闪电侠(The Flash),惯量(Inertia),大猩猩格鲁德(Gorilla Grodd),极速(Zoom),艾尔伯德·斯旺(Eobard Thawne),谜语人(Riddler),犯罪辛迪加(Crime Syndicate)影视形象 电视剧...
极速(Zoom)是美国DC漫画旗下多位超级反派使用过的称号,初次登场于《闪电侠》(Flash)第139期(1963年9月),在漫画中,使用“极速”作为代号的共有四代。初代极速本名为艾尔伯德·斯旺,全称为极速教授(Professor Zoom),闪电侠(Flash)巴里·艾伦(Barry Allen)的敌人之一,也是第三代逆闪电;二代本名亨特...
DC Prometheus (Villains) #1 "There Was a Crooked Man" Writer February 1998 DC Flash #135 Flash: "Death at the Top of the World Part 3" Writer March 1998 DC JLA #16 Justice League: "Camelot" Writer March 1998 DC Flash #136 Flash: "Radio Days" Writer April 1998 ...
DC Database Flash Villain(s) This character, team, or organization, has been primarily an enemy of any or all of the various incarnations ofthe Flash. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Flash Villains." ...
One of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels, DC has been inspiring and entertaining audiences since 1935 through enduring story-telling, iconic Super Heroes and infamous Super-Villains. Our LEGO® DC sets let you bring the DC Multiverse to life. The bestgiftsfor DC lo...