change_names -hierarchy -rules ABCD 在此之前提前定义名称为ABCD的命名规则: define_name_rules ABCD -allowed {A-Za-z0-9_} \ -max_length 20 \ -first_restricted {_\[]} \ -last_restricted {_\[]} 更详细的define_name_rules 命令的信息可以通过阅读以下文件: define_name_rules.pdf 56.1K· 百...
在DC中用define_name_rules命令来规定自定义的命名规则。例如我们可以用该命令来指定可以使用哪些字符,禁止使用哪些字符,名字的长度等。一般来说,Verilog命名规则可以处理几乎所有的特殊字符。 执行change_names命令后,它会把不允许使用的字符用允许使用的字符来代替。VHDL语言中,多维数组(multi-dimensionalarrays)使用方...
define_name_rules TAN_RULE -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_\[]" -max_length 256 -map {{{"*cell*", "mycell"}, {"*-return", "myreturn"}}}; set hdlin_check_no_latch "true" #设置如果推断出锁存器,是否报warning,默认是false,即不报。
Define DC. DC synonyms, DC pronunciation, DC translation, English dictionary definition of DC. abbr. 1. da capo 2. direct current 3. or D.C. District of Columbia 4. Doctor of Chiropractic American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
define_name_rules TAN_RULE -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_\[]" -max_length 256 -map {{{"*cell*", "mycell"}, {"*-return", "myreturn"}}}; set hdlin_check_no_latch "true" #设置如果推断出锁存器,是否报warning,默认是false,即不报。 set hdlin_merge_nested_cond...
#define_name_rules <rule_name> -map { {{string_to_be_replaced, new_replaced_string}} } -type cell define_name_rules reduce_underscores -map { {{"_$", ""}, {"^_", ""}, {"__", "_"}} } => names a rule which removes trailing underscore, starting underscore and replaces dou...
Suddenly orphaned, Bruce was left in the care of his family’s butler, Alfred Pennyworth, as he fought to survive in a world where the rules as he understood them no longer made sense.Bruce slowly turned his grief into fuel for a lifelong obsession. Instead of succumbing to self-...