zh一l一ud一andongJ!q.dong!流电动机起动(starting of DC motor)直流电动机从静止状态加速到工作转速的整个过程。它包括通电、最初起动和加速过程。(见电动机起动) 由于直流电动机的电枢回路电感较小,而转动体具有一定的机械惯性,因此,当电机接通电撅后,电磁过渡过程比机械过渡过程要快得多,起动开始阶段电动机转...
2.Thermal Shutdown 温度保护:当温度高于限定值,芯片停止工作。 3.soft start软启动电路:用于电源启动时,减小浪涌电流,使输出电压缓慢上升,减小对输入电源的影响。 四、DC/DC电路的硬件设计参数选择标准 1.设置输出电压:先选择合适的R2,R2过小会导致静态电流过大,从而导致加大损耗;R2太大会导致静态电流过小,而导...
The soft start method for a DC-DC converter comprises the steps of: linearly increasing output voltage of a DC-DC converter from an initial level by supplying current in a linear charging mode; driving and controlling power switching elements connected in parallel in an asynchronous method at ...
R1和R2组成直流母线电压检测分压器,得到的电压信号经过控制和逻辑电路后,一路直接给母线软起动电路的固体继电器SSR,另外一路给控制芯片的软起动控制电路SS(Soft Start)部分来控制UCC3895的软起动,并且这两路软起动之间的延迟时间是可通过电路参数调节的。C5和C6都是电解电容,其值2200uF。CS是母线电流互感器,通过...
The present invention relates to a soft start device for a direct current (DC)-DC converter and a method thereof. The soft start method for a DC-DC converter comprises the steps of: linearly increasing output voltage of a DC-DC converter from an initial level by supplying current in a lin...
For over 20 years, DCSoft has provided excellent GUI software (emphasizing Windows but alsocross platform to Mac and Linuxusing the Qt framework) to large companies: Logitech(SetPoint) SanDisk(U3 Launcher) and to startups: Blue River/John Deere(Utility for marking agricultural plots taken from ...
An E-Fuse is incorporated for a safe soft-start to limit the inrush current and providing protection capabilities during operation. It is implemented as a down-solution and achieves 98.1% peak efficiency. Supported Product Families DC-DC Converter 电路板&设计 REF_750W_FBFB_50V Status: on ...
For over 20 years, DCSoft has provided excellent GUI software (emphasizing Windows but alsocross platform to Mac and Linuxusing the Qt framework) to large companies: Logitech(SetPoint) SanDisk(U3 Launcher) and to startups: Blue River/John Deere(Utility for marking agricultural plots taken from ...
dc_shell-topo> start_gui #启动图形化界面 dc_sheli-topo> stop_gui #停止图形化界面 $design_vision -topographical #启动图形化界面的同时,调用拓扑模式 $dc_shell -topo -f dc.tcl | tee -i dc.log #批处理模式 7、读入设计 有下面这些读入情况: ·read_db library_file.db ·read_verilog {A.v...