原装正品PIM400K6Z ABBPower【DCDCCONVERTER-48V 400W】 深圳市泰安强电子有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥240.00 现货XPPower/ECE10US12电源模块AC/DCCONVERTER12V 10W原装正品 深圳市八惠智发电子有限公司15年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
CONSTITUTION:A series resonance type DC-DC power converter is composed of a DC power supply 1, an input capacitor 3, a transistor (Tr) 4, a diode 5, a resonance reactor 6 and a resonance capacitor 7, and a transformer 8; and electric power is supplied to a load 2 via a rectifying ...
汽车音响电源DC 24V to 12V Car Power Supply Converter 5A 广州越秀区倚华汽车用品商行 15年 回头率: 37.7% 广东 广州市越秀区 ¥400.00 TDK-Lambda开关电源HWS15A-3/A AC/DC CONVERTER 3.3V 15W 苏州久华电子有限公司 9年 江苏 苏州市 ¥655.00 全新原装 THN 30-4812WI DC DC CONVERTER...
We as an innovation leader for power semiconductor and energy efficiency technologies are continually developing and working on the best solutions for your DC-DC converter applications. DC-DC converters enable many of the devices and machines we use today. Found in technologies across a broad range...
DC-DC converter automotive applications DC-DC enterprise computing and telecommunication applications 详情 相关产品:LITIX™ Power & Power Flex (DC-DC控制器) 推荐文档 视频 数字电源管理解决方案 Share 在当今和未来使用数字控制来管理系统级别的电源流包括机器学习在内的功能整合,将使电源管理的应用更加人性化...
DC 50A DC24 to DC12V car power converter, Input: 24V DC; Output: 12V DC; Remark1: Note: Where no memory, then some special models can swap the yellow line and red line "output" pick or the yellow line and red line are connected together to...
在降压-升压式DC-DC转换器拓扑中, 输出电压可以高于或低于输入电压。 降压-升压式DC-DC转换器通常用于电池供电设备中, 要求高效率和超低待机电流, 并且体积小,… 查看应用详情 降压转换器 当DC-DC开关转换器的输出电压低于输入电压(有/无输入-输出隔离)时,采用降压或降压拓扑。 查看应用详情 我们的产品和...
You can tabulate theDC-DC Converterblock efficiency depending on the output current, input voltage, and temperature. This equation defines the relationship between losses and efficiency: loss(i2,v1,T)=[1−eff(i2,v1,T)100]abs(v1i1)if i2<0 (power flow 1→2)loss(i2,v1,T...
Digital Power Controllers Power modules We as an innovation leader for power semiconductor and energy efficiency technologies are continually developing and working on the best solutions for your DC-DC converter applications. DC-DC converters enable many of the devices and machines we use today. Fo...