Efficiency considerations in dc-dc convertersPaul Rako
In this paper, a high-efficiency dc-dc converter with high voltage gain and reduced switch stress is proposed. Generally speaking, the utilization of a coupled inductor is useful for raising the step-up ratio of the conventional boost converter. However, the switch surge voltage may be caused ...
Efficiency Improvement and Transient Characteristics of the 750-V, 100-kW, 20-kHz Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter This paper describes the 750-V, 100-kW, 20-kHz bidirectional isolated dual-active-bridge (DAB) dc-dc converter using the latest 1.2-kV, 400-A SiC-MOSFET 4-... Ryo,Hane...
In recent times, dc power has witnessed a remarkable increase in various parts of the power system namely generation, transmission and utilization. This paper, however, attempts to show brighter prospects of using dc power for the distribution part in residential areas where distributed generation is...
Efficiency optimization methods are described for light and heavy load scenarios. The primary design objective is to maintain the load at the peak of the efficiency curve. A SPICE based circuit model of a DC-DC converter is applied to validate the proposed analytic methods. 展开 ...
Omar Abu Mohareb proposes a novel dynamic inductor control (DIC) that can be generally applied to various DC‑DC converter types. The aim is to improve the converter efficiency throughout controlling the inductance value at all operating points without consequential complexity or increase in the in...
STは、最大3Aの直流電流と最大38Vの電圧負荷に対応でき、低消費電力、優れた柔軟性、および高集積を特徴とする同期整流ステップダウン・コンバータを提供しています。AEC-Q100グレード1要件の認定を受けたA6983とA6983Iは、以下のような広範な車載用アプリケーションに対応できます。 A6983...
对于降压型转换器,D越低(相应的VOUT越低),回路2产生的损耗也大。 开关器件的损耗 MOSFET传导损耗 图2 (以及其它绝大多数DC-DC转换器拓扑)中的MOSFET和二极管是造成功耗的主要因素。相关损耗主要包括两部分:传导损耗和开关损耗。 MOSFET和二极管是开关元件,导通时电流流过回路。器件导通时,传导损耗分别由MOSFET...
United States Patent US7015678 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text