Gorilla City is a city in Africa inhabited by intelligent gorillas. Gotham City is a city on the east coast of the United States, home of Batman. Metropolis is a city on the east coast of the United States, home of Superman.Residents...
He was also taken to the day Coast City was destroyed, and watched the love of his life Kari die before his very eyes.[75] Fissures widened, and Guy was one of the handful of heroes in the last pocket of reality when Parallax actually revealed himself.[76] Clearly the most vocal ...
The Graphic was the name of a large newspaper distribution center located in Midway City. Roy Jamison was the publisher with Tim Logan as his editor-in-chief. Grinder's Bluff Grinder's Bluff is located on the Eastern coast of Lake Michigan. It is noted for its scarred, pock-marked face ...
Hal, along with Guy, John, and Kyle, attends a parade in Coast City on the anniversary of Superman's death, which has become a national holiday for fallen heroes. Hal thinks about the deaths that have affected the four Earth Green Lanterns such as his father, Martin Jordan; Abin Sur;...
Clark embarked on a trip to Coast City, California, with his parents to attend the anniversary party of some affluent relatives. In the process, Clark witnessed several instances of Hal's exceptional fearlessness in the face of danger, such as remaining calm to keep order among the passengers...
Don and his friends are on their way to the midget city of Zetruria when they are attacked by the Women Riders of the Winged Death. Suddenly, a Many Armed Beast attacks everyone, but Don drives it away with his atomic energy gun. In gratitude, Zastia, captain of the Women Riders, ...
LocationsAthmoora•Biot•Coast City•Ferris Aircraft•Korugar•Maltus•Nok•Oa•Odym•Okaara•Qward•Ryut•Sector 2814•Ungara•Vega•Warriors Bar•Xudar•Ysmault•Zamaron ConceptsEmotional Electromagnetic Spectrum
San Diego is submerged underwater in a massive tragedy that wipes out the entire city along the coast.[172] The first person rescued is a girl with gills named Lorena Marquez, who leads them to believe that their might be more survivors.[173] In his public address to the water-breathing...
Base Of Operations Gotham City· Titans Tower, San Francisco Status Alignment Good Identity Secret Identity Citizenship American Marital Status Single Occupation Vigilante, Adventurer, Student Characteristics Gender Male Height 5' 6" Weight 125 lbs (57 kg) Eyes Blue Hair Black Origin ...
As his hunt proved unsuccessful, Jason returned to Gotham City. There, he was witness to the Joker's first public appearance since the Joker War. A television broadcast saying Joker was taking over the West Coast. [95] Both enraged and suspicious, Jason donned his "Outlaw" costume and began...