Welcome to the Official Site for DC comics. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes," including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more.
杰森·伍德(Jason Woodrue)即植物人(The Floronic Man)/植物大师(Plant Master),是美国DC漫画旗下超级反派(DC反派),初次登场于《原子侠》(The Atom)第1期(1962年7月)。闪点前起初是一名科学家,后成为原子侠(The Atom)的敌人,他还负责毒藤女(Poison Ivy)的变形,闪点后是树木议会(Parliament ...
The living embodiment of "Size doesn't matter," the Atom unleashes all the power of his namesake against evil.
Wikis d'univers Comics Éditeurs : Marvel • DC Comics Univers cinématographiques : Univers cinématographique Marvel • DCEU/DCU • X-Men Jeux vidéo : Batman Arkham • Gotham Knights • Marvel Strike Force Télévisions : Arrowverse (Arrow / The Flash (CBS) / Les Anges de la nui...
Discover the incredible world of Atom (DC Comics) through a diverse collection of desktop wallpapers, phone wallpapers, pfp, gifs, and fan art, showcasing the miniature hero in all his glory.
They taught us that a man could fly, that bats really were frickin' scary, and that we really should remember, remember the fifth of November. These are the best movies from DC Comics, both live-action and best DC animated movies. Vote up the greatest DC Comics flicks!
克罗诺斯(Chronos)是美国DC漫画旗下多位超级反派(DC反派)使用过的称号,共有三代。初代克罗诺斯本名大卫·克林顿(David Clinton),初次登场于《原子侠》(The Atom)第3期(1962年11月),是原子侠(The Atom)的死敌之一。他发现了时间旅行的秘密。他使用这个能力前往未来以及过去来对付他的对手。二代克罗...
从1939年初到1941年后期,DC漫画与其姊妹公司全美漫画(All-American Comics)介绍了许多脍炙人口的超级英雄如蝙蝠侠与罗宾、神奇女郎、闪电侠、绿灯侠、原子侠(The Atom)、猎鹰侠(Hawkman),以及水行侠。(TIP:若有漫威marvel迷的,也可以知道一下:惊奇漫画1940年代的前身快捷漫画(Timely Comics)旗下百万销售量的超级英雄...
Welcome to the Official Site for DC comics. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes," including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more.