Khan appears to be her own superhero, when she is, in fact, going to become the new Ms. Marvel…Oh dear. Marvel and D.C. both have an embarrassing record of stuffing minorities–African Americans, women, and LGBT folk–into superhero characters that are already molded and defined as the...
[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] DC Entertainment moved the needle forward for LGBT visibility once...Peeples, Jase
Levin’s colleague, Logan Dalton, told us that the promotion around Jonathan Kent could mean that he will be treated like Kyle Raynor and Wally West — two characters who also inherited long-standing titles (Green LanternandThe Flash,respectively) but who continued to appear in DC titles after...
Cosplay artists show their creativity by creating their own costumes that resemble iconic characters they appreciate from comics, television or anime. Awesome Con is an annual pop culture event. Awesome Con debuted in 2013 and become one of the largest fan conventions on the East Coast of the ...
Not a lot announced, but out the same month as Commanders in Crisis is Kill A Man from AfterShock Comics, an LGBT MMA graphic novel I'm co-writing with Phil Kennedy Johnson, art by Alec Morgan, that is one of my favorite things I've ever done. It's the next step for Midnighter ...
Wonder Woman fight, it's exciting to see DC prioritize its female characters, especially in a book that was once as popular as Birds of Prey. Hopefully, as Thompson herself suggests in the interview, this forthcoming title will become one of the anchors of the new Dawn of DC era. Until ...
So if you want to delve into this, I’ll pass on the same advice my friend Austin who loaned this to me said –“Don’t get too attached to any of the characters.” He’s not kidding. View all my reviews Posted in Books | Tagged Books, Comics, Graphic Novels | 1 Comment » ...
miller is seen wearing a ring with his justice league character’s symbol. barry allen and his flash ring. dc comics while miller has a history of bad behavior, the fashionable, out-and-proud lgbt and polyamorous actor has also been lauded for their forthrightness when it comes to their ...
DC will also publish a series of nine Pride themed variant covers in June, showcasing DC’s top characters as realized b +6 13322 复仇者联盟吧 星际浪人✨ 【DCEU】查尔斯·罗文:《神奇女侠1984》不是一部续集电影源:北票吧官微 DC电影制片人查尔斯·罗文强调,《神奇女侠1984》不是一部续集电影。