Adventure Comics#247 (April, 1958) TheTime Bubblewas a time travel device used by theLegion of Super-Heroes. History The Time Bubble was invented byBrainiac 5as a child. Due to the varying nature of Time travel the true origin of the time is complex as Brainiac invented the device in hi...
The first criminal that Batman faced was Alfred Stryker in his debut appearance in Detective Comics #27, and the first recurring Batman villain was Doctor Death, who originally appeared two issues later in Detective Comics #29.See AlsoGallery of Batman Villains List of Batman Villains (...
The 12-part weekly Detective Comics event starts here. Arkham Asylum has fallen, and in its place, Arkham Tower has risen in the heart of the city, a pitch made by the mysterious Dr. Wear. Unlike the Asylum, Dr. Wear promises his methods and drug treatments will heal Gotham's ...
Current DC Database Gallery Big Joe(Single appearance) Chump(Single appearance) Luke(Single appearance) Locations: Earth-One Smallville Notes This is an all-reprint issue. See Also Cover gallery for the Superman series Links and References
The DC Comics Winathian Name Generator is a fascinating and imaginative tool that allows users to create unique and fantastical names inspired by the world of DC Comics. Winath is a fictional planet in the DC Universe, known for its twin inhabitants, the lightning-powered hero twins Lightning...
Remembering Joan Lee, the woman who was married to comic legend Stan Lee for 70 years and inspired his comics for all those years Dark Knight III The Master Race Review A review of The Dark Knight : Master Race, it’s a really beautiful nine issue series which brings back great memories...
You may know of Jack Kirby, the King Of Comics. But there is another who holds that title. Shotaro Ishinomori, the apprentice of the legendaryOsamu Tezuka, the mentor of the inimitable Go Nagai, and so much more. He is the undisputed King Of Comics in Japan. Heralded as a father ofTok...
In honor of the latest installment in the DC Extended Universe,Black Adam, we have collected the 30 greatest DC Comics movie posters in history. You’ll find someSupermans, a whole bunch ofBatmans, a coupleWonder Womans, and maybe even aSwamp Thingor two. Bear in mind: We’re ranking...
so they’re present whether she’s wearing the pack or not. I do wish they could have worked out a way to make her blowing a bubble an option, as that was such a distinctive aspect of the statue, but I guess it wasn’t to be. Before we talk articulation, let’s get her suited...
Doctor Manhattan was based uponCharlton Comics'Captain Atom, who in writerAlan Moore's original proposal was surrounded by the shadow of nuclear threat. However, the writer found he could do more with Manhattan as a "kind of a quantum super-hero" than he ever could have with Captain Atom....