The Library’s People’s Archive will manage the project, working in partnership with Exposed DC to secure the collection by the end of 2024. The collection will be made available to the public through the DC Public Library’s Dig DC portal, providing community members and researchers an oppor...
In order to build a multi-channel overseas recruitment promotion and attract more outstanding international students to study at IES, the representatives of our Institute will attend the BMI Education Exhibition in Vietnam in...
5.浦东新区综合改革试点 据中国国际贸易促进委员会1月30日介绍,2023年,全国贸促系统共签发出境ATA单证册9273份,同比增长191.97%。 China's national trade promotion system issued 9,273 Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission (ATA) Carnet...