But that is the clarity of hindsight. Now, at least, I am inspired to try more of the same, and have a foundation of what to expect. The great risk of course is, now that I have these shots, in trying to replicate them I will end up dissatisfied with the results because they will...
I’m still building my street photography skills, especially when it comes to photographing people. As we were heading back to the Metro, I saw this guy with the most incredible style and makeup, and had to take the chance to ask him for a photo. You’ll see the results – he had ...
I think I wrote previously about the Hermagis Eidoscope soft-focus portrait lens I have on loan. Here are some results from it. As the lens is on loan to me and not mine, I have not sent it off to have replacement waterhouse stops made for it. It was expensive enough modifying my ...