The DC Animated Universe (DCAUfor short) comprises of the shared continuity between a series of DC Comics-based animated series and inspired projects, which kicked off in 1992 withBatman: The Animated Series. Sometimes referred to also as the “Timmverse” or “Diniverse” – due to the fan...
Arkham Asylum is not just any institution for the criminally insane. It's the Ivy League of insanity. A "Harvard" for Psychopaths. Anything not described on the new inventory is contraband. Do not bring these items inside, no matter how small or commonpl
When trying to watch the DC movies in chronological order, most people are talking about the interconnected universe of films that kicked off with Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot “Man of Steel.” From then on, a universe was constructed in which characters crossed over from one film to the ...
Beast World event in full now that it's done, I wanted to share with you a reading order (disregard the previous one) I put together for the tie-in stories in case you want to read all or some of them alongside the main series, in a way that makes the most chronological sense poss...
Mark:Happy New Year! -DC in the 80s 1 comment: Labels:1992,1993,action figures,B:TAS,Batman,Batman The Animated Series,Justin Francoeur,Kenner,Mark Belkin,Penguin,Riddler,Robin,Two-Face Front of box This is not a new game -- it was released in 2019 and I tried to convinceCryptozoicto...