Ho boy, where to start with this one. Billy Batson aka. Captain Marvel aka. Shazam has had the most convoluted history of anybody on this list, possibly of any character still in print today. And I'm not talking about on the page (I'm sure Superman or Batman or Spider-Man could pr...
"Round One": [1] A mysterious box in a Manhattan alley begins emanating a strange light. The light breaks free from the box, and spreads throughout the world. Anyone tagged by one of its shafts disappears, only to reappear in a pa DC Versus Marvel #1 is
Most divisive: Superman: Red Son Over 1.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Movies Based on DC Comics HOW RANKINGS WORK A list of DC Comics movies. These are films based on DC comics such as Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern, characters that live within...
And Deeper Ways Suicide Squad Ends Up Being Just Like a Marvel Movie Also ranks #3 on Great Performances In Terrible Superhero Movies 16 Superman: Red Son Jason Isaacs, Amy Acker, Diedrich Bader 107 votes An alternate take on Superman portrays him as a Soviet hero after his rocket lan...
Absorbency Boy Kirt Niedrigh DC Comics Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1, #218 1976 July Abu Ll Kaf DC Comics Action Comics, Vol. 1, #17 1939 October Sven Elven Abudah Vertigo The Sandman, Vol. 2, #22 1991 January Neil Gaiman Kelley Jones Abyss DC Comics Adventure...
Inhibitory Activity of a Heterochromatin-associated Serpin (MENT) against Papain-like Cysteine Proteinases Affects Chromatin Structure and Blocks Cell Prol... The last thing you want to do is rankle a group of Star Wars stormtroopers. The annual geekfest known as Comic-Con International is not ...
Welcome to LEGO Marvel DC Wiki!The encyclopedia for the LEGO Marvel and DC universe.We currently have 23,818 edits on 1,154 articles since December 2013.Home to all LEGO Marvel and DC superheroes and villains. From the heroic Superman to the notorious Thanos. Any LEGO Marvel or DC game ...
Barney Rose DC Comics Superman, Vol. 1, #352 1980 October Marv Wolfman Curt Swan and Frank Chiaramonte Barney, Jerome Fawcett Comics Captain Marvel Jr., Vol. 1, #11 Baron Agua Sin Gaaz DC Comics Young Justice, Vol. 1, #24 2000 October Baron Hostess Action Comics, Vol. 1, #514...
Marvel SuperheroesTop 10 Comic Book SuperheroesTop 10 Best DC Comics SuperheroesTop Ten Strongest Marvel SuperheroesTop 10 Strongest Comic Book Superheroes List Stats 400 votes25 listings33 comments Top Remixes Batman Superman Question Batman Superman Flash Batman Flash Superman 0 Error Reporting ...
Warner Brothers acquired DC and strengthened their film department. Unlike Marvel Studios, Warners has all the DC characters legally under one umbrella. This allows them to (theoretically) assemble a film universe encompassing all DC heroes, from the fan favorites to the obscure, with ease. ...