It is recommended to use a 10 Ω resistor in an 0402 package with a 63-mW power rating Slew rate control, RSRF and RSRR R SRF and R SRR minimize primary drain-source oscillations and help optimize EMI performance at high frequencies, the value chosen should be within the ...
里奥加耶戈斯罗萨里奥萨尔塔圣胡安圣路易斯圣菲圣地亚哥图库曼 966418764652428581 NeufeldenNeukirchSalzburgSchwazStStVeitSteyrStockeraTamswegVienna 诺伊费尔登诺因基兴萨尔茨堡施瓦兹圣波尔腾圣维特安得哥兰施泰尔施托克劳塔姆斯韦格维也纳 728226356625242274242127252226664741424276723142 ARMENIACountryCode374DIAL00+374+AREACODE+TELEPHONE...