It was never an interest of ours to begin with, so a “perfect” or “definitive” English dub of the series here on the Dragon Box sets matters very little — and the lack of an American “broadcast” audio track is no skin off our back. At the end of the day, the content and ...
Fortnite has proven itself as the master of establishing brand deals that see some of the most popular characters and entertainment franchises in the game. Developer Epic Games has clearly had its eyes on anime crossovers in the last year with Naruto, My Hero Academia, and Dragan Ball Z ...
The Offical RetroDBZccg Facebook Discussion Group You’re encouraged to participate and discuss any format of Score Entertainment’s Dragon Ball Z and GT line of games and those supported by Retro DBZ, however we ask that you identify which format you are discussing when it is relevant (ie:...
Creative free-to-play games Your game, your way Let your imagination run wild in these free-to-play games that encourage you to make your own fun - and to enjoy games and activities made by other players.Rec Room J...
At the time this film comic was released theDragon Ball ZTV serieswas in the midst of the Cell story arc, with Goku and Gohan having just exited the Room of Spirit and Time and relaxing before the Cell Games. The series’ next TV special, revolving around Future Trunks, was also schedule...
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In July 2009 at their industry panel at the Otakon anime convention in Baltimore, FUNimation announced their licensing and forthcoming release of the “Dragon Box” sets based on the genuinely-remastered release of the same name from Japan several years prior. The release would begin in November...
Meanwhile, two strangers enter the city and begin causing havoc, destroying nearly everything in their path. As the Son family is eating, the building they are in is suddenly attacked, as it turns out the two are after Son Goku. When Goku sees that ordinary people are being attacked in ...