Cartoon DBZ Scenes Collection 2 Frieza Spaceship Saiyan Space Pod Capsule Company Cell Egg Burdock Glasses Anime Figure Model Condition: 100% New Type: Action & Toy Figures Place of Origin:China(Mainland) Material: PVC Size: Approx Note: 1.The color may be a little different due to the effec...
kcon#create configuration fileskdap#delete all pods within a namespacekdrain#drain a nodekexec#execute a command in a specified pod,#default drops user into a shellkfind#use a regular expression to find items across everything except#custom resourceskgpns#Get just pod names in a namespacekp...
Yes, many people theorized that this was an Attack Ball space pod from theDragon Ballfranchise! Here are some of the responses people gave: “Whoa, didn’t expect the Saiyans to just show up out of the blue like this.” “I’m guessing it was Raditz.” ...
Capsule Corp set bonus has been added. Superior Oven,Industrial Complex Zone,Capsule Corp Space Optimizer,License to Rule,Personal Journal have all been added to other item list. Demonic Plate Armor,Demonic Plate Gauntlets,Demonic Plate Boots,Demonic Plate Helm have been added to the next dimension...
the fire was started as a result of a space pod landing. The next morning, the space pod begins scouting the area, and is revealed to have been sent by a Saiyan named Tullece who has chosen the Earth to plant theShinseiju(lit. “Tree of Godly Might”). TheShinseijuabsorbs the world...