void speed is unknown but irrelevant as vegito is to confident in his power and would never blitz in character and stats are irrelevant void due negs with higher dimensional slash 6 months ago diydeath Follow 5493 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews: 0 User Lists: 0 #10 diydeat...
Minion side job can now be taken with any level 2, or level 3 job (instead of just a level 1 job). Now gives +10% RP bonuses for RPing with your crime boss instead of +5%. Got rid of the 500 zeni "fine" for not obeying orders. Added new bounties system associated with the bou...
“Power creep means that cards in one set are stronger than the ones in the last, especially for games without block formatting.” I don’t really understand the argument, I feel like we’re all talking about the same thing here. My definition nearly matches Wiki as does Joel’s. And W...
Thanks for the fast answer, and thank you for all you've done for the community! I might test it out myself then, cause it could make a big difference especially since Godly Power gives crit. Thedyl7·7/26/2021 Copy Link If only we had some card with 95% crit chance on SA and ...
(On this wiki, the second name is listed in the second row on card pages. Disambiguation pages also organize cards by second name.) Identical cards, i.e. those that also have the exact same first name, will guarantee increases in level. This is the only scenario in which Super Attack...