Cell saying he was going to destroy a solar system doesn't lock him below solar system lvl, all it means is that he could destroy it. In the manga he has no better feats so we use this. In the anime it's much different. 7 months ago Moosixer Follow 2539 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Poi...
Also, it's funny how characters who trained on Kami's Lookout as 23rd Tenkaichi Goku or the Z-Fighters aren't in the Category like the Androids/Cell Saga versions of the characters. KayalDraknys·5/2/2023 Why aren't Saiyan Saga "Yamcha", "Krillin", "Chiaotzu", "Tien", or "Yaji...
The first time is during the battle in which he and Piccolo team up to take down Raditz, and the second time is during the Cell Saga, when Goku sacrifices himself to protect his friends. (Of course, both times he’s resurrected using the Dragon Balls.) 3. …Vegeta was never meant to...