Learning Blaster Shell now makes Trap Shooter not take up a slot. Rough Divide now has increased damage if used by Future Trunks. Ultra Slash now has increased damage if used by Yajirobe. Clarified Acid Blast is Saibamen & Biomen only. The cost of the reforging chamber has been reduced f...
Obviously I am way late, but aside from running both Goten and Kid Trunks as allies and just fusing Gotenks as an ally, you can play Kid Trunks, Teenager from the kid buu saga in your MP stack. That card lets you play Future Trunks personalities as part of your MP stack while still ...
and Ultra Instinct), Vegito ( Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue\, and Ultra Instinct), Beerus, Broly, Cell ( Golden Cell), Frieza ( Golden Frieza), Future Trunks, Goku Black ( Black Rose), Gohan ( SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4, SSJ Blue), Hit, Jiren, Piccolo, Toppo, … ...
Lr Future Trunks AGL (rainbowed sa20) Teq Tapion (three dupes sa10) Slamark·12/2/2019 Copy Link 9/11 MrTroika·8/7/2019 Copy Link LR SSJ4 Vegeta fits in here nicely. The loss of 30% for not using a time traveller unit is more than made up for by LR stats. ...
Kid Trunks S8k3j vFg0t WKWV! vL CF@jS KPZyl C3?yp Pm Goku (GT) TT5bz g1ky- Y-?fv 3L H2X-g $yW!R #5B)q (? Future Gohan zKtY@ 5dn#5 0%x6b Vy Vf(8c chX?? fWq+k KQ Videl $Y0Hr 7HH3b 3Pck% 51 VyQjM 8f+c# cxFc1 wG Hercule lH8c2 *7+5- #RT?# mB sVzl%...
I guess that's reasonable .Also could you bump up bee pan a bit and add the gt gobros and goten and trunks? I'd argue all of them are better than phy ssj future trunks and can be used in all difficult events Loekman3·7/8/2021 Done and done Critical2003·7/9/2021 Based Sna...
Exclusive SUPER SSJ GOKU TP LL 6* + SUPER TRUNKS SSJ 6* + NEW ZAMASU LL + ULTRA GOGETA SSJ 4 + 20 LL + 999 Eraser [REF 284] fati1980 Total orders: 338 Member since: 2022 5.0 (319) Instant Delivery $ 16.99 BUY NOW 7 Get 102053 CC (Android) Now! Featuring Beast Gohan, SS God...