dbt supports variables, which are a very powerful customization feature. Variables can be used in both SQL templates and macros and can be supplied from the command line like so: dbt run -m table_b -t dev --vars '{my_var: my_value}' Powered By Variables must be declared in the mai...
We noticed an issue where variables that should be different between each DBT invocation (exampleinvocation_idorrun_started_at) are not changing between dbt runs when running locally from the command line. This only seems to be happening specifically in pre or post hooks. For example If I add...
you need to use a workaround that involves embedding a git token with Jinja. This is not ideal as it requires extra steps like creating a user and sharing a git token. We're planning to introduce a simpler method soon that won't require Jinja-embedded secret environment variables. For tha...
Databricks does not recommend specifying secrets inprofiles.ymldirectly. Instead, set the client ID and client secret as environment variables. Confirm the connection details by running thedbt debugcommand on themy_dbt_demodirectory. If you choseuse oauthfor your authentication type, you’re prompted...
Consider using variables to manage taxonomies and make sure to add the required security roles to your BigQuery service account key.Merge behavior (incremental models)The incremental_strategy config controls how dbt builds incremental models. dbt uses a merge statement on BigQuery to refresh ...
Use Jinja to create variables in model files: {% set status = 'active' %} -- Define a variable SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status = {{ status }}; Powered By Define variables in model configuration files using the config object. If we have models/model_properties.yml file and it...
See the Command line options column in the official dbt docs for a list of available flags.Some flags take positional arguments. Some arguments for flags are strings. Refer to the dbt documentation for examples and explanations.Pass variables to dbt commands...
The project requires you to set environment variables in order to run on the AWS account: $exportDBT_ROLE_ARN="arn:aws:iam::$(aws sts get-caller-identity--query"Account"--outputtext):role/GlueInteractiveSessionRole"$exportDBT_S3_LOCATION="s3://aws-dbt-...
[root@localhost mysql]# vim /etc/my.cnf //在[MySQL]下查找secure-file-priv='',如果没有自己添加 [root@localhost mysql]# systemctl restart mysqld //重启MySQL服务 [root@localhost mysql]# mysql -uroot -p'密码' mysql> show variables like '%secure_file_priv%'; //查看secure-file-priv=''...
.env( # configure DBT environment variables { "DBT_PROJECT_DIR": PROJ_PATH, "DBT_PROFILES_DIR": PROFILES_PATH, "DBT_TARGET_PATH": TARGET_PATH, } ) )app = modal.App(name="example-dbt-duckdb-s3", image=dbt_image)# ## DBT Configuration ...