尽管DBT 与传统认知行为疗法(cognitive behavioral treatment,CBT)存在一些相似性,例如两者均关注行为与认知的改变,但两者侧重点不同:CBT侧重于帮助患者理解治疗原理和方法,DBT则更注重具体指导,为患者提供治疗任务中的操作指引,增强实践支持,从而...
1. 针对边缘性人格障碍的认知行为治疗Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder(Marsha Linehan):本书著于1993年,作者是Linehan博士;她给我们提供了如何治疗边缘性人格障碍以及其他复杂问题的大概纲要。 2. DBT® 技能训练指南第二版DBT®Skills Training Manual, Second Edition(Marsha Linehan...
当抚养人采取惩罚、羞辱、批评或否定的抚养方式,BPD患者的症状就会容易被激活。 所以诸如“勇敢的女孩不会哭泣”的话也会使BPD患者感到自己的情绪不被接纳认可。BPD患者往往需要更长的时间从过度的情绪反应恢复至正常情绪,逐渐冷静下来。 这些观察让Linehan推测,不断挑战和尝试改变患者行为只会让来访者感觉不被认同和接...
原书里提到的是,认为治疗师应该能够在熟悉当事人之后能够较准确的分辨出当事人目前处于哪个模式,然后再针对那个模式的 treatment 来给予治疗。我个人认为在实际操作中,这个会非常困难。比如其实 愤怒儿童、 惩罚父母和分离保护者都具有攻击性,究竟是哪一种,其实要花很多功夫才能辨认出来。 BPD的情绪变化非常快,也可以...
DBT has been extensively researched and is recognized as the most effective treatment for people with BPD, as well as those with self-injury or suicidal behaviors. In addition, research has shown that DBT is effective for a wide range of other disorders associated with difficulties in emotion re...
Through more than two decades of scientific research, DBT has been established as an effective treatment. In fact, following comprehensive reviews of all available treatments for BPD, both the Australian National Health and Medical Resource Council and the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) National ...
PhysicaLillness (treat) – If one is sick or injured, get proper treatment for it. Eating (balanced) – Make sure of eating enough and feeling satisfied. Avoid mood-altering drugs – Do not take other non-prescribed medication or drugs. They may be very harmful to the body, and can make...
This paper adds to the existing body of literature by examining two different therapeutic approaches to the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), namely: (1) dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and (2) schema therapy. DBT is an evidence-based treatment for BPD while schema therapy...
1. 针对边缘性人格障碍的认知行为治疗Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder(Marsha Linehan):本书著于1993年,作者是Linehan博士;她给我们提供了如何治疗边缘性人格障碍以及其他复杂问题的大概纲要。 2. DBT® 技能训练指南第二版DBT®Skills Training Manual, Second Edition(Marsha Linehan...
DBT在治疗BPD非法药物使用、社会适应及治疗意愿这方面具有显著优势[6]。DBT组对自我用药报告更准确,且复吸率更低。2006年,Linehan设计了规模更大、控制更严格的DBT的研究。该研究入组符合美国《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第4版BPD诊断标准的101例患者,随机分配到DBT组和CTBE组(community treatment by experts)。经过...