辩证行为疗法(dialectic behavior therapy,DBT)是由美国华盛顿大学心理学家 Marsha Linehan 在20世纪80年代创立,最初专为减少BPD患者的自伤和自杀行为而设计[10]。DBT的理论框架整合了辩证哲学、行为主义理论、禅宗思想以及生物社会理论,旨在通过...
— Matthew McKay,The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, And Distress Tolerance 总结 正如上文所述,DBT对那些倾向于以一种剧烈情绪或行为方式表达的个体来说是一种优异治疗。虽然DBT最初是为边缘性人格障碍而开发...
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)? (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2019, fromhttps://behavioraltech.org/resources/faqs/dialectical-behavior-therapy-dbt/
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is an approach based on behavior analysis, the dialectical philosophy, and Zen practice. First developed by Marsha Linehan to treat patients with suicidal and self-injury behaviors, DBT has been recognized as a gold-standard treatment for borderline personality ...
辩证行为疗法 Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) 辩证行为疗法中的技能模块 辩证行为疗法(DBT)是一种基于证据的心理疗法 ,始于努力治疗边缘型人格障碍(也称为情绪不稳定症)。有证据表明,DBT可以用于治疗情绪障碍,自杀意念以及改变行为模式,例如自残和滥用药物。 DBT演变成一个过程,在该过程中,治疗师和服务对象以接受...
Althoughdialectical behavioral therapy(DBT) was initially developed to treat suicidal thoughts in those living with borderline personality disorder (BPD), today it’s also used for several other mental health conditions — many of which are prevalent among teenagers. ...
辩证行为疗法(DBT,Dialectical Behavior Therapy )是一种循证心理治疗方法,可有效治疗一系列不同心理障碍。 DBT已获得美国心理协会(APA)和国立精神卫生研究所(NIMH)的认准被列为循证心理治疗的有效方式之一,尤其是针对边缘型人格障碍。下文将解释什么是DBT以及其背后的最新研究证据。
4. Group therapy is a must Unlike most other cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, where you’d normally go toeithergroup or individual therapy, with DBT, you’ll attend both formats. Group therapy for DBT involves lectures, discussions, and the opportunity to practice and implement techniques ...
Therapist providing online DBT in Florida for depression, anxiety, self harm, Bipolar, BPD |Online therapy FL|Orlando|Miami|Tampa|Tallahassee|Lakeland
[12] Andreasson K,Krogh J,Wenneberg C,et al.Effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy versus collaborative assessment and management of suicidality treatment for reduction of self-harm in adults with borderline personality traits and disorder——a randomized observer-blinded clinical trial [J].Depre...