description: Date (UTC) that the order was placed - name: status description: '{{ doc("orders_status") }}' tests: - accepted_values: values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'return_pending', 'returned'] - name: amount description: Total amount (AUD) of the order tests: - not...
- name: Slack Alert (on failure) if: failure() uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@v2.3.0 env: SLACK_CHANNEL: alerts-slack-channel SLACK_COLOR: ${{ job.status }} SLACK_TITLE: 'dbt project deployment failed' SLACK_MESSAGE: | Your message with more details with regards...
In Verbose Mode, DBT shows the Unicode number of the current character at the cursor position on the status line. As always, many improvements have been made to make DBT a more stable environment. As always, many fixes have been done to improve the importation of Word and Open Office files...
orders.order_date, orders.status, {% for payment_method in payment_methods -%} order_payments.{{ payment_method }}_amount, {% endfor -%} order_payments.total_amount as amount from orders left join order_payments on orders.order_id = order_payments.order_id ) select * from final 并且,...
而且通用测试的扩展能力也是比较强大的,可以直接引用模型,自定义配置 一个参考使用 version: 2 1. models: - name: orders columns: - name: order_id tests: - unique - not_null - name: status tests: - accepted_values: values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'returned'] ...
{{ config( materialized='incremental', cnch_unique_key='id', incremental_strategy='append') }}SELECTid, transaction_date, user_id, amount, statusFROMdbt_unique.transactions {%if is_incremental()%}WHEREtransaction_date>=(SELECTmax(transaction_date)FROMdbt_unique.transactions) {%endif%} SETTINGS...
- name: status description: '{{ doc("orders_status") }}' tests: - accepted_values: values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'return_pending', 'returned'] - name: amount description: Total amount (AUD) of the order tests:
RunResult.from_node(r,RunStatus.Skipped,"Skipping due to fail_fast") ) print_run_result_error(failure.result) # ensure information about all nodes is propagated to run results when failing fast returnself.node_results except (KeyboardInterrupt,SystemExit): ...
f"with status {m.status}"+ f"and message {m.message}" ) dbt 简单模型 (详细的参考github) models/users/my_first_dbt_model.sql {{config(materialized='table') }} withusersas ( select*frompostgres_data.users ) select* fromusers 运行 ...