but it became a rhythm I couldn’t function without. When I came home it was rough settling back in and it meant some demons would return. The biggest lesson came from theemotional regulationDBT skill,Checking the Facts!
Check the facts can also be useful in these situations. It’s essential to step back and objectively assess whether a situation is as negative as it feels. By combining acceptance with fact-checking, individuals can find compromises and move forward without trying to force change. Practising copi...
A lot of the time clients in therapy have every reason to be livid, or heartbroken, or afraid. The skill of emotion regulation is much more about establishing the dialectics – how much of this emotion actually matches the facts? And if we do need to get it down let’s stop at the ...
Check the factscan also be useful in these situations. It’s essential to step back and objectively assess whether a situation is as negative as it feels. By combining acceptance with fact-checking, individuals can find compromises and move forward without trying to force change. Practising coping...
Replace judgmental words with descriptive works (like you would when practicing the How skill of being nonjudgmental) Avoid assuming what other people think about you without checking the facts Avoid questioning someone else’s motives unless you have a very good reason ...