dbt test --select "+exposure:*" dbt ls --select "+exposure:*" --resource-type snowplow metrics 模式 dbt build --select "+metric:weekly_active_users" dbt ls --select "+metric:*" --resource-type source result 模式 dbt run --select "result:error" --state path/to/artifacts ...
dbt ls --select "+exposure:*" --resource-type snowplow metrics 模式 dbt build --select "+metric:weekly_active_users" dbt ls --select "+metric:*" --resource-type source result 模式 dbt run --select "result:error" --state path/to/artifacts dbt test --select "result:fail" --state pa...
dbt run--select"my_dbt_project_name"# runs all models in your projectdbt run--select"my_dbt_model"# runs a specific modeldbt run--select"path.to.my.models"# runs all models in a specific directorydbt run--select"my_package.some_model"# run a specific model in a specific packagedbt ...
dbt run --select "my_model+1" # select my_model and its first-degree children dbt run --select "2+my_model" # select my_model, its first-degree parents, and its second-degree parents ("grandparents") dbt run --select "3+my_model+4" # select my_model, its parents up to the 3...
SQL模型是一个select语句。模型在.sql文件中定义(通常在models目录中): 每个.sql文件包含一个模型/select语句 模型名称从文件名中继承 模型可以嵌套在models目录的子目录中 当您执行="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/627532434/run">dbt-run命令时,dbt将通过将其包装在create view as或create table as语句中来构建...
[*, 4]","spark.databricks.cluster.profile":"singleNode"},"custom_tags": {"ResourceClass":"SingleNode"} } } ],"tasks": [ {"task_key":"transform","job_cluster_key":"dbt_CLI","dbt_task": {"commands": ["dbt deps","dbt seed","dbt run"],"warehouse_id":"1a234b567c8de912"}...
conn_id="bi-poc-Redshift",# Cosmos 允许你在每个 DbtDag / DbtTaskGroup 中使用 RenderConfig 类中的 select 和 exclude 参数过滤 dbt 项目的一个子集select={"configs":["tags:finance"]},# Cosmos 的 DBTRunkubernetesOperator 和 DbtTestKubernetesOperator 都继承了 Airflow 的 KubernetesPodOper...
[*, 4]", "spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode" }, "custom_tags": { "ResourceClass": "SingleNode" } } } ], "tasks": [ { "task_key": "transform", "job_cluster_key": "dbt_CLI", "dbt_task": { "commands": [ "dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt run" ], "warehouse...
Once you enable this config, dbt will set all filters and their permissions during every dbt run. Such approach keeps the actual state of row level security configuration actual after every dbt run and apply changes if they occur: drop, create, update filters and their permissions. Any tags ...
Once you enable this config, dbt will set all filters and their permissions during every dbt run. Such approach keeps the actual state of row level security configuration actual after every dbt run and apply changes if they occur: drop, create, update filters and their permissions. Any tags ...