drive or walk to and from work, cook, or complete sleep hygiene tasks, doing each task one-mindfully. Make these activities a daily form of meditation. Notice how you feel while doing them and immediately after. Do not evaluate the exercises or your ability...
How Skills: One-Mindfully, Non-Judgmentally, Effectively Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training... Read More Spirituality Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training... Read...
M- find or create some meaning to your life P- pray R- do something relaxing O- do one thing in the moment; focus on the present V- do activities that simulate a mini vacation E- encourage yourself Pros & Cons Think of all the positive consequences of tolerating the distress. Imagine ...
I’m just thinking…and haven’t totally processed this. I’m thinking that one reason obese folks receive such negative scrutiny along with negative character judgments is that their addiction is very obvious…thus, the judgments come…perhaps similar to the judgments people make of others with ...
Exercises Try at least one of these self-soothing exercises this week. You may want to choose a whole group of things, say all the visual things, or you may want to choose a single thing to try. As you do what you have chosen, do it mindfully. Breathe gently, and try to be fully...
M- find or create some meaning to your life P- pray R- do something relaxing O- do one thing in the moment; focus on the present V- do activities that simulate a mini vacation E- encourage yourself Pros & Cons Think of all the positive consequences of tolerating the distress. Imagine ...