Jinja 可被用于dbt project中任何地方的sql,包括model、analyse、test或者hooks Using Jinja | dbt Developer Hubdocs.getdbt.com/docs/get-started/learning-more/using-jinja 一个使用Jinja的model {%setpayment_methods=["bank_transfer","credit_card","gift_card"]%}selectorder_id,{%forpayment_methodin...
1. 客户端jQuery代码 页面上负责发送Post请求的jQuery代码如下: $.ajax({ type: "POST",...
core/dbt/context/providers.py https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/dbt-jinja-functions/model https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/build/incremental-models https://schemas.getdbt.com/dbt/manifest/v11/index.html#tab-pane_nodes_additionalProperties_anyOf_i3...
问在dbt_utils中使用jinja变量ENfrom flask import Flask from flask import render_template app = ...
可以使用的一些jinja 上下文数据 包含了target,env_var, var ,exceptions, log, 当然还有不少自己开发,或者三方包的macro 参考可覆盖的几个特殊macro 如下图,可以结合代码以及定义看出来,当然实际可以覆盖的东西比较多,这几个主要是关于schema 以及database 相关的 ...
可以使用的一些jinja 上下文数据 包含了target,env_var, var ,exceptions, log, 当然还有不少自己开发,或者三方包的macro 参考可覆盖的几个特殊macro 如下图,可以结合代码以及定义看出来,当然实际可以覆盖的东西比较多,这几个主要是关于schema 以及database 相关的 ...
It's not strictly documented / guaranteed that you can call .format() on docs blocks — though it is an implicit behavior of Jinja (strings are Python strings, and they can call Python string methods) — but the use of docs blocks actually isn't necessary to produce this bug. A simple...
│ └── dbt.log ├── macros ├── models │ └── example │ ├── my_first_dbt_model__userapp.sql │ ├── my_second_dbt_model__userapp.sql │ └── schema.yml ├── packages.yml ├── seeds ├── snapshots ...
Fix json format log and --quiet for ls and jinja print by converting print call to fire events (#8756) Add resource type to saved_query (#10168) Fix: Order-insensitive unit test equality assertion for expected/actual with multiple nulls (#10167) Renaming or removing a contracted model shou...
Detailed log of failedjinja_and_variable_usagedbt model. Jinja & Macros dbt uses theJinjatemplating language, which makes a dbt project an ideal programming environment for SQL. With Jinja, you can do transformations that are not normally possible in SQL, like using environment variables or macros...