Comments{# ... #}: Jinja comments are used to prevent the text within the comment from executing or outputing a string. Don't use--for comment. When used in a dbt model, your Jinja needs to compile to a valid query. To check what SQL your Jinja compiles to: ...
👻 Use Jinja comments ({# #}) for comments that should not be included in the compiled SQL. ⏭️ Use trailing commas. 4️⃣ Indents should be four spaces. 📏 Lines of SQL should be no longer than 80 characters. ⬇️ Field names, keywords, and function names should all be...
As you can see, we can use basic conditional statements to introduce logic into the configuration files, thanks to dbt supporting Jinja. Macros cannot be used in this context, but we can use simple conditionals using Jinja expressions within .yml files. They need to be enclosed in quotation ...
Instead of writing the model names directly, we are putting them inside a Jinja function called ref. The syntax is {{ ref("column_name") }} (mind the spaces and the quotes). When our query is compiled, the Jinja function is substituted with the actual model name. Note that stg_users...
{#-- N.B. The whitespace below is necessary to avoid edge case issue with comments --#} {#-- See: --#} select {{check_cols_config|join(', ') }}from ( {{node['compiled_code'] }} ...
{#-- N.B. The whitespace below is necessary to avoid edge case issue with comments --#} {#-- See: --#} select {{ check_cols_config | join(', ') }} from ( {{ node['compiled_code'] }} ...
SQL– dbt relies on SQL select statements for defining data transformation logic. Instead of raw SQL, dbt offers templatized SQL (usingJinja) that allows code modularity. Instead of having to copy/paste SQL in multiple places, data engineers can define...
Dbt only offers a single, SQL-coding and template language (Jinja) programming IDE and articulates that vision in this quote from their website: At dbt Labs, we have developed strong opinions on how companies should practice analytics. Specifically, we believe that code, not graphical user ...
SQL– dbt relies on SQL select statements for defining data transformation logic. Instead of raw SQL, dbt offers templatized SQL (usingJinja) that allows code modularity. Instead of having to copy/paste SQL in multiple places, data engineers can define modula...
(ctx) ^^^ File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dbt_common\clients\", line 144, in render return self.environment.handle_exception() ^^^ File "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jinja2\environment...