在SAP 系统中,如果你在事务码 ST22 中遇到错误消息 Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded,这表明数据库服务器因为负载过高而暂时无法处理更多请求。这种情况可以由多种因素引起,比如资源利用率高、数据库请求量大、或者是特定查询效率低下。下面我将详细解释这个问题的原因...
Return value of the database layer: "SQL dbsl rc: 99" 在SAP 系统中,如果你在事务码 ST22 中遇到错误消息Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded,这表明数据库服务器因为负载过高而暂时无法处理更多请求。这种情况可以由多种因素引起,比如资源利用率高、数据库请求量...
在SAP系统中,若在事务码ST22中出现错误消息"Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded",表示数据库服务器因负载过高暂无法处理更多请求。此问题可能由资源利用率高、数据库请求量大或特定查询效率低下引起。以下为问题原因分析与解决策略。确定问题频率与时间,观察...
SAPDUMP分析中报错(事务码ST22),如图所示: 从错误分析中看到saptempdb空间不足,对saptempdb进行扩展(事务码DB02) 扩展后再次查询未报空间不足的错误 上述就是小编为大家分享的SYBASE数据库错误DBSQL_SQL_ERROR的解决方式是什么了,如果刚好有类似的疑惑,不妨参照上述分析进行理解。如果想知道更多相关知识,欢迎关注行业...
SAP Managed Tags: Oracle Database, SAP NetWeaver Hi guys, I am trying to connect a new ECC system to BW system which was already connected to an ECC system, I have made 2 new RFCs one for the client400(for BW system) & second RFC for ECC to BW connection in the new ECC system...
是一个在SAP系统中常见的错误,它通常发生在尝试向数据库中插入或更新数据时,违反了数据库的主键或唯一索引约束。这个错误表明你尝试插入或更新的数据行在数据库中已经存在了一个具有相同主键或唯一索引值的记录。 可能导致 DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR 的常见原因 重复的主键或唯一索引值:在插入或更新数据时,如果指定...
ERROR Internal session terminated with a runtime error DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR Please let me know why this error is coming when I am executing a report in SAP.
-25392: [SAP AG][SQLOD32 DLL][MaxDB] <error_text> -25393: Error during check if table exists <error_text> -25394: Catalog of table changed while processing <import> command; reparse failed; To restart the command append <record_no> to the infile specification. -253...
CommunicationError is a class of the sdb.sql module. The methods of the sdb.sql module trigger exceptions of this class if it is not possible to connect to the database or an existing connection is terminated. CommunicationError Class: Attributes of its Objects Name Description errorCode ...
hi,Clas Hortien, i can start mssql2005, i find a souluton from ms support web site ,but i donot know how to do it, the notes as follows