是指一个方法可以返回一个泛型类型为T的DbSet对象。DbSet是Entity Framework中的一个类,用于表示数据库中的一个表或视图。它提供了对数据库的增删改查操作。 优势: 灵活性:返回任意类型的DbSet<T>可以适应不同类型的数据表,使得代码更加灵活和可复用。
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot create a DbSet for 'IIncludableQueryable<OrderItemEntity, ProductPriceEntity>' because this type is not included in the model for the context. at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.InternalDbSet`1.get_EntityType() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal....
我有一个简单的实体框架LINQ查询。letters.Any(val => c.Name.StartsWith(val)))我得到了 System.InvalidOperationException:‘LINQ表达式'DbSet .Where(c => __letters_0 .Any(val => val ==“) != null &c.Name.StartsWith(Val))’无法翻译。要么用可以翻译</e 浏览4提问于2020-09-03得票数 4 ...
Object[] The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. Returns Task<Object> A task that represents the asynchronous find operation. The task result contains the entity found, or null. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Thrown if the context has been disposed. ...
Object[] The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. Returns Task<Object> A task that represents the asynchronous find operation. The task result contains the entity found, or null. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Thrown if the context has been disposed. ...
public virtual TEntity Find (params object[] keyValues); Parameters keyValues Object[] The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. Returns TEntity The entity found, or null. Implements Find(Object[]) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Thrown if the context has been dispos...
ASPNET MVC 5 - "Invalid object name 'dbo.AspNetUsers'" How to fix this error ASPX page is refreshing after the aspx button click Aspx vs cshtml.. Is there any real reason why I want to choose one over the other? Assign a value to a button click assign dynamic id to a control ...
There is one record in database Id=1, Name="John" Surname="Smith" After creating and loading whole data by DBSet.Load() i'm trying to add a new person in DbSet with Name="John", Surname="Smith" (wich cause uniqe conflit) with DbSet.Add(Person) and getting a InvalidOperation Exce...
EntityFrameworkCore; usingSystem; usingSystem.Collections.Generic; usingSystem.Text; namespaceEFCore...
EINVAL If called in a database environment, or called after DB->open() was called; or if an invalid flag value or parameter was specified. Class DB See Also Database and Related Methods Prev Up Next DB->rename() Home DB->set_append_recno()...